Chapter 23

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The girls had all wondered why she had bailed on them an hour ago. Hermione couldn't answer, and when she thought about it, her head hurt like crazy. She didn't quite understand why she had woken up feeling bruised in a cupboard, and she could have sworn she had marks on her wrist when she left. But they are gone now. And she felt fine. Was she imagining things again? Could it be post traumatic stress that made her see and feel things that weren't there? Was it possible that things around her weren't like she saw them? Has she gone mad?

The girls were asking her about her date with Malfoy now, and Hermione was happy to tell. For once it felt like a boy actually cared for her, it gave her a nice feeling. She decided to tell them all about their snogging anyway, since Alice was bragging about how she had mounted Richard Malcom, the Gryffindor quidditch captain.

Hermione didn't quite understand the reference until Isa loudly whispered 'sex!' to her. They all laughed after that. It felt nice, sitting there with her girlfriends, chatting about boys. She didn't know when she had become one of those girls, but she must admit herself giving Malfoy a lot of her attention. Even in classes, when he was seated next to her, she couldn't help but gaze at him from time to time. It was quite a crush she had stumbled upon. And fine, he had been treating her like a jerk in the beginning. But hadn't her mother always told her when she was little that boys who liked you and didn't know how to talk to you would be mean? Wasn't that what he had been doing then? Provoking her just to get her to talk to him. It was like when elementary boys would pull the girl's hair, right? He clearly didn't mean any of the hurtful things he had said to her. After all, he had proven that now, hadn't he?

"Hermione... Could I talk to you for a bit?" Said Millicent and smiled carefully at her.

"Of course. Alone?"

Millicent nodded and led the way to the bathroom. Hermione followed. She stopped in front of their enormous sink, glancing nervously at her.

"I just... want what's best for you, you know that right?" She asked hesitently.

Hermione frowned.

"Sure, Mill. And I for you, we're friends." She answered slowly, a careful smile on her own lips now.

"Right. So, as your friend I think I should warn you a little... I didn't think so much of it when he was teasing you and stuff... but now it seems rather serious and I just...or at least you seem rather serious about him..."

"What are you talking about Millicent?" Said Hermione, a little coldness in her voice now.

She could sense this conversation wasn't going where she wanted it to.

"You do know Malfoy's pure blood right? Intended to marry a pure blood witch?"

Hermione crossed her arms, glaring at her friend.

"I didn't take you for a prejudiced Mill."

"I'm not! That's not what I'm trying to... I'm just... I don't want you to get hurt alright? What if he's... what if he's just playing you? Just having you around until his finacée is chosen? What if you catch feelings for him and he just leaves you? What if you gave him your virginity and he just tosses you away like nothing?"

Millicent's voice had gotten rather shrilly at the end, and Hermione thought she could see tears in her eyes.

"I don't think Malfoy would sink so low." She said and left her friend in the bathroom.

She didn't know what was with Millicent. Why would she ruin her happiness with that bullshit? She didn't know him like Hermione did. Had he told her all about his family (mother's name is Hortencia and father's name Septimus), his aspirations for the future (minister of magic) or stuff like his favorite color (Slytherin green) or season (spring)? No. But he had told Hermione, because he had wanted her to know him. He wouldn't betray her trust like that. He just wouldn't. Perusing her for more than half a year, just to take her virginity? What kind of monster would do something like that? Surely there were other girls who would give themselves up quicker than she would.

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