Chapter 6

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Tom woke up just a few minutes before his wand would set off. It was actually quite often that happened, he guessed he just had an inbuilt alarm clock inside of him. He went down to the prefect's bathroom, took a quick shower and dressed himself before he made a move down to the great hall and breakfast. He was excited, much because of the new school year and all the learning he would do, but he had to admit he was excited to find out more about this strange girl as well. However, he wasn't the only one who had laid their eyes on her.

Hermione entered the great hall and some whispers erupted once again, not nearly as many as last night, but quite a few yet. She was making her way towards the Ravenclaw table and passed the Slytherin one as she did so. Her eyes were roaming the table, and as she passed Tom's group Malfoy winked at her, which gave her that delicate red color on her cheeks once again.

Lestrange and Avery laughed with Malfoy at Hermione's reaction. It was always fun when a filthy mudblood thought that a pureblood was interested in them. Malfoy was only giving her the time of day because she, being a mudblood, was an easy catch. Something to dip your cock in before you were to marry a nice, put together pureblood witch. However, they still enjoyed the chase and therefore pursued them with great intensity, only to leave them after they've met their needs. Tom wasn't anywhere near interested in anything considering girls, not that he gave a notion of it. Although he had tried during their fourth year, actually taking a girl on a date and kissing her. It just wasn't anything for him, it didn't give him the satisfaction that it clearly gave the other boys. He didn't really care what the guys were up to, as long as they did what he wanted; and they always did.

"I wonder if she'd let us all have a go with her" Crabbe grunted out and was eagerly eyeing Hermione's bottom as she sat a few slots down at the Ravenclaw table.

"Probably would have us take her up the ass, wouldn't she? She's filthy like that, isn't she?" laughed Goyle and hit his hand on the table gaining laughs from the group. Even Tom smiled a bit, just because it was necessary of course.

"Oy Goyle! Remember that muggle-bitch we took to Paris this summer? She certainly enjoyed it up her bum!" Crabbe shrieked, gaining more laughs from the boys.

Crabbe and Goyle had of course not taken the girl to the city Paris. It was a saying indicating a threesome.

"Well, boys. I'll let you know. Given your track records it's safe to say I should handle the flirting, no offense Riddle." Malfoy boasted and pushed his chest out.

Tom simply gave him a curt nod to indicate none was taken. Truth was, no one had seen him flirt, so they wouldn't know even if they wanted to. During fourth year he had simply just asked a few girls out. No flirting needed.

"Yes, we wouldn't want a repeat of Tracy Baxter!" Lestrange shrieked and dunked Goyle in the back, gaining a roaring laugh from all of them.

"That's not fair!" Goyle howled. "She was trained in some kind of muggle combat, I've told you a thousand times. How was I supposed to know that!"

It had happened last year, and to Goyle's defense, it had happened during the midst of the purging of mudbloods Tom had orchestrated with the basilisk. Tracy was sure to be alarmed if something grabbed her from the back, and Goyle wasn't that big on words so he had just... grabbed her to feel her up a little. She had actually sent him to the hospital wing with a broken nose and two ribs. Gaining Goyle a heavy detention and teasing for weeks from the guys.

"Well Goyle, maybe you should try actually using your words to lure the girls in next time" Tom said maliciously and the other guys continued to laugh.

Goyle just muttered some inaudible things and served himself some more eggs, stuffing his mouth.

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