Chapter 14

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The day of the Halloween dance had everyone behaving like complete dickheads. Even the professors were giddy like first years. Tom was also looking forward to the evening, but not because he wanted to dance. No. He had something else entirely planned for the night.

During their potions class Professor Poll had made them practice making love potions, and she was looking far to smug about it. Tom peeked into her mind and found that she was disturbingly hoping that someone would smuggle out some love potion and use it tonight. Given that only two pairs had correctly brewed the antidote last week it was actually a rather malicious plan of hers. Tom was almost impressed. He also took a small bottle of the potion, placing it safely in his pocket, before handing in his and Avery's sample. It could come to good use in the future, who knew.

Later during their last class of the day, history of magic, Tom felt like dying in his seat. It was one of the more boring lessons he had ever attended. Suddenly he felt the need to end it, rather urgently. He also had spotted Hermione seated closer than normal to him. That to say, instead of sitting the furthest away she could from him, she sat in the middle of the classroom.

"Professor Binns, please. Would you allow us to go a little earlier today considering there's a big dance to get ready for?" he asked, a charming smile plastered on his lips.

Every student in the class was now eyeing their conversation with intrigue.

"Earlier, Tom?" Binns had squeaked.

"Yes, professor. To release us earlier, as perhaps, right now?"

Another dazzling smile and he had Binns agreeing to his request. This made the class erupt in loud cheers as they all began to pack their books in their bags and chat loudly with each other. Tom saw how professor Binns was blushing from the joy he had brought his students. It wasn't nearly the color that Hermione usually sported, and made a disappointing feeling settle in his stomach. He needed to see that color again, soon. Tom was eyeing the girl in question as she was collecting her books back into her bag, and he felt the need to talk to her.

He swaggered towards her and stopped right in front of her. As he did so, her movements slowed as she set her gaze upon him.

"I look forward to seeing you tonight, miss Bernard." he said and felt himself almost smiling without forcing it.

She looked utterly confused as to why he was approaching her. To be honest, Tom was as well.

"Er... what?" she said dumbfounded.

"At the dance, Miss Bernard. I look forward to seeing you at the dance." he explained, plastering on a forced smile.

Was she daft? What else was she planning to do tonight?

"I'm not sure what you mean, Riddle." she said slowly.

She was staring into his eyes. Sometimes he could swear she saw his soul. He was sure he could see hers, swirling about in her honey brown eyes.

"You will be at the dance, correct?" he said, feigning an innocent tone.

"Uh... yes. But I'm attending with Mr. Wood, uh, Lee." she said and placed that hideous bag on her shoulder.

Something inside of him growled at the mention of Wood as her date. He'd make sure he'd suffer. Instead, he plastered an even bigger smile on his lips.

"Well, the details don't really matter, do they? You will be there, and so will I. Therefore, I will see you at the dance."

"Yes... you will see me, and I will see you... at the dance..." she answered slowly.

And there it was. That wonderful blush. It was a small one, but still visible. He felt like groaning right then and there. How in the name of Salazar could a person get addicted to someone's blush? Was he addicted? He certainly needed it in his life. He could feel his cock twitch inside his pants and he prayed to Merlin that it wasn't visible for her. Tom forced his smile bigger.

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