Chapter 9

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September went on in the blink of an eye, as did most of October. Hermione struggled to make herself feel at ease and at home here in the forties. Alice and Millicent were a great help of course, as were Thomas. He was a fresh brisk of something unusual. Thomas kept saying the first thing that popped up in his mind, and had no sense if it were considered rude or even crude. One day he told Hermione her hair looked like a rat's nest and laughed before gulping down a few sausages, this made Isabella and Prudence (Hermione's other two classmates whom she shared her dormitory with) gasp and look horrified. Hermione simply answered that she woke up like that and didn't have the time to do something about it. Alice offered to charm her hair straight and Hermione couldn't help but to scrunch up her nose.

"Those charms have never worked on me you know" she stated and nibbled on her toast.

"Oh, but I haven't cast them. Trust me, you'll look amazing." Alice said with great confidence.

Hermione shot Millicent a glance who nodded eagerly as to back up what Alice was saying.

"Oh, alright then. You can have a go. But please don't make my hair fall off..." Hermione pleaded.

Alice squealed with excitement and clapped her hands enthusiastically, gaining the nearest Ravenclaws attention. She pointed her wand directly at Hermione's face.

"Crinus Muto" Alice said with a concentraited look on her face and after only a second she looked rather smug.

"What do you think ladies?" she said and got more than a few applauds as well as cheers.

Hermione found herself blushing at all the attention she got. She drew her hand through her hair and was astounded to find it both easily done so but also straight instead of the bushy curls she usually had.

A loud whistle was heard from the table behind them.

"Looking good Bernard! You get better looking for each day, I dare say!" Ignotius Malfoy shouted with a loud voice, granted the whole hall heard it because a few giggles erupted around them all.

Hermione blushed even fiercer. Alice patted her hand and winked at her.

"I must say, you're one lucky bean Hermione. Both Malfoy and Riddle after you? That's really something."

Isabella and Prudence nodded, both looked a little more envious than Alice did however. Hermione grimaced.

"I don't care for either of them. This disgusting catcalling that Malfoy is up to is insulting to say the least. And don't even get me started on Riddle" she said with a shudder.

Malfoy had in fact been insufferable the last couple of weeks. Since day one actually. His advances never stopped. It didn't matter how many times she shot him down, it only seemed to encourage him. One week he was flirting every chance he got, the other he gave her compliments, loudly. He made his interest clear for everyone to see. He often commented on her legs, something that made Hermione seeth. She hated that he made her feel like a freaking object, like a walking pair of legs. More than once he had her cornered in the corridors only to sniff her neck or touch her collarbone with a finger. It was harmless, but it made her uneasy. He never forced himself on her, he just made her very aware that he could. Malfoy had a way of finding her when she was alone, and only when they were alone were he crude. When among others he was simply harmlessly flirting with her.

"I will never get how you cease to see the perfection that is Tom Riddle..." Prudence said gazing at the subject of their conversation with longing eyes.

"I for one would do anything for his attention" agreed Isabella and joined Prudence in their staring.

This usually happens at least once or twice during their meals. It was rather disturbing though Hermione. Alice didn't say anything on the matter, haven gotten her share fair of what Hermione thought of Riddle more than a few times when the subject came up. Hermione had tried to hold back a few times considering Alice's feelings for the guy but the more she had to be near him the more she grew to hate him. She had always hated Voldemort, but soon came to realize there were two different people. Sure, Tom would grow into Voldemort. But he wasn't Voldemort as of right now. He was a stuck up teenager who thought himself better than everyone and a complete suck up to teacher. Also he shaded her every moment he got. It was almost as he tried to rile her up or something.

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