Chapter 35

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Waking up next to Tom on the sofa was the least Hermione had expected, and feeling content while doing so was even more confusing. She couldn't help but to be wary about him still, couldn't help but to remember who this was, who he would become in the future.

Was he being honest with his intentions, with his feelings, or was he simply trying to persuade her into some sort of obedience? Yet, laying there next to him, snuggled up with his arm around her, she felt safe. And somehow she felt worse about that fact. Because how could she feel safe with Voldemort, the very man that had killed her best friend's parents in cold blood. The same man that had tried to kill Harry multiple times, made their teenage years a living hell. Still, she had never felt warmer than when he touched her, never felt so aroused but with him, never experienced such a draw to another person before, but with him.

She stirred a bit, deciding on retreating to her bedroom and acting like they hadn't fallen asleep on the couch together. But as soon as she moved an inch his eyes opened.

"Sneaking off are we, Bernard?" he asked teasingly, voice musky from sleep.

"Oh, er, no, of course not, I was just..."

"Sneaking back to your room?" he finished for her, a sneer on his face.

Riddle stretched his body and turned towards her.

"So..." he started, looking at her expectantly.

"So..." she said shyly, playing with a curl of her hair.

"What's on the agenda for today then?"

She swallowed hard, remembering she had in fact told him that they would spend some time together during the summer. But surely he wouldn't expect them to share every second of every day together?

"Er, well. I'll go for a swim in the lake and then visit Tinky in the kitchens for breakfast. Then I'll probably go to the library."

"Great, I'll get my swimming wear." he said and rubbed his hands together before rising.

"Oh. Er, great." she mumbled awkwardly.

Tom had already departed into his room. She sighed, looking up at the ceiling. One time wouldn't do any harm, would it?

When she came down from her room he already stood by the door, dressed casually in a muggle t-shirt and khaki-shorts. He was breathtakingly handsome, and she found herself gawking at him before her sense returned, accompanied by a blush. She lowered her eyes to the floor and walked up to the door.

"Let's go then..." she muttered.

Tom, like the gentleman he insisted on portraying, opened the door for her and waited until she had exited their common room before following her.

They walked in silence to the lake, undressed in silence and entered the water in silence. She didn't know what to say, feeling far too awkward to even think a coherent thought. Apparently, Tom still had his brain working.

"I don't think I've ever swimmed here before..."

"Oh?" she said as she took a stroke out into the water.

"I usually just sit by that oak tree, watching everyone."

"Yeah, I noticed." she said and gave a small smile.

"Oh, so you were watching me?" he teased, splashing some water at her.

"I think it's you who have been watching me." she giggled, splashing some water back at him.

"I think that would be a fair assumption. However could I not notice you, Hermione." he smiled.

She felt a blush creeping up again, averting her eyes.

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