Chapter 26

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Tom made sure that Malfy was taken care of at the hospital wing, leaving Crabbe and Goyle to watch over him. Apparently the force had broken his skull, something that would take more than just a few hours in the hospital wing according to Madam Spudmore. She had asked several questions, probably not buying the 'he ate something bad and fainted' version of the story, but Tom had just given her one of his special smiles and she had dropped the subject.

He sent Avery and Lestrange to potions class, dismissing their attempts to skip it like the rest of them would. Well, Malfoy really didn't have a choice but to skip, did he? And he would probably want his closest friends next to him whenever he woke up. Tom figured he ought to feel embarrassed, not only was he beaten cold by a girl, but a mudblood girl too. No. It was best if it was only Crabbe and Goyle next to him. As for himself, well. He needed to find a certain furious witch. He had a brilliant plan for the evening, an even more brilliant plan than the one just executed.

Tom made his way to the library where he figured she could hide herself. It was, after all, her favorite place in the castle.

As he was walking he caught himself smiling. It was just marvelous. Better than he could have ever expected. And he didn't even need to lift one finger. One small sentence was all it took and their so-called relationship came crashing down, and with it some physical pain towards Malfoy for him to remember his place. He didn't feel sorry for Malfoy and his cracked skull, he even felt entitled for hurting Hermione's feelings. She had to know, didn't she? And he, being a true gentleman, had made it obvious for her. She should thank him, really. He was sure she'd understand one day.

Tom had looked quite literally everywhere for the witch when it dawned on him. She had runned upwards, and he could bet his best cloak that she hadn't gone into Ravenclaw tower considering the state her friendships were in. No. She had to have gone to the astronomy tower. Of course. Odd that she knew of it, considering they didn't even take astronomy this year. But then again, it was just another thing to put on the list she shouldn't be able to know of.

He started making his way up on all of the many stairs to the tower when he heard someone sniffle up there. A small smile played on his lips. She was more like him than he had initially thought. Of course she would have run up here, where no one else would be. Given her knowledge of the castle, some of it even he didn't know of, he should have known this is where she would go. It was quiet, free of disturbing teenagers and a place where you could let out your emotions and no one would hear them. He loved this place. He came here, every time something unfortunate happened, and on his birthday.

Tom heard her trying to stifle more of her cries as he came closer, and he felt something tugging in his stomach at the sound. It was an odd reaction, one he hadn't experienced before. All he knew was that he needed to make her stop crying.

Just as he came around the corner to the open space of the tower Hermione jumped up and drew her wand at him. Tears were flowing angrily down her cheeks, anger directed to whoever saw it fit to interrupt her.

"Wow, easy Bernard. It's just me." he said and held up his hands to show her he meant to harm.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice came out small and fragile.

He hated it. He needed to make her feel better.

"I'm not here to mock you, Hermione. I swear." he said, taking a careful step towards the trembling witch.

She gave another sniffle and lowered her wand.

"I don't have the energy to defend myself anyways." she mumbled and sat down next to the fence that contained the tower.

She looked utterly miserable. He doubted she would have the energy to defend herself from a first year by the looks of it. Her eyes were swollen and prickled red. She had a snot leaking out of her nose that she furiously wiped away every other second. And she was beautiful. He couldn't deny it. She was totally, perfectly, beautiful. Her gloria of hair didn't hold the electricity of her magic anymore, but it was surrounding her small head impeccably. Her mouth with those full lips were redder than usual, it looked almost like she was wearing lipstick. She just sat there, hugging her own legs, unaware of the beauty she held. The magnificence of her take down of Malfoy. And Tom longed for her.

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