Chapter 29

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Warning: attempted rape


Malfoy had stayed away from Hermione ever since the incident, but sometimes she could still feel his eyes on her. Whenever they were in class together she would catch him staring at her; there was no more warmth in his eyes, just hatred. It truly looked like he wished nothing more than to hurt her. She found that she did not care whether or not he liked her; if you made your bed you might as well lie in it. And Malfoy sure had made his bed consciously. She could tell he didn't particularly care that she had found out the stuff he had been saying about her. He just regretted not being able to bed her before she found out, at least so she had heard. It wasn't the only thing she had heard. Apparently he wanted nothing more than to 'teach that mudblood whore a lesson'. Safe to say he was still rather pissed about that cracked skull. Once more, Hermione was unbelievably happy that she had backed down each and every time they had been intimate with each other.

There was another pair of gray eyes, more stormy than Malfoys, that were watching her every move. Not only in class, but also during meals or in the hallways. It was borderline stalking at this point. He had tried to make contact with her several times throughout April, but Hermione wouldn't budge. Apart from their classes together, where he persisted on sitting next to her, she had successfully avoided him.

One Thursday night in May she was once again out past curfew, having lost track of time in the library, when he found her. She had been studying hard for the upcoming exams in June, not planning on getting bad results just because she seemed to be stuck here in 1944, and her head was spinning with facts about charms and jinxes. She didn't even notice him following her for a few minutes before he made his presence known.

"Out after curfew again, Miss Bernard?"

Hermione jumped at the sound of his voice so close to her ear. She turned around quickly, becoming face to face with the one person she had vowed to herself to stay away from. In a swift movement he had her successfully cornered, the stone wall pressing in the coldness through her uniform. Her eyes searched the hallway, hoping someone else might be up and about. It was completely empty, save for the two of them.

"I was in the library, studying." she said, aming for confidence in her voice as she glared up at him.

A small smile was tugging in the corner of his mouth as he moved his hands to rest on either side of her head. Hermione bit her lip. Why did she always end up in these positions with boys? How could it be that they always had her cornered like this? Trapped? And why did they all have to be so much taller than her?

"Of course you were. Such a studious girl." he said in a low voice, eying her up and down.

"Yes. And I need to make my way to the tower now, since there's classes tomorrow. Wouldn't want this studious girl to get in trouble, would we?" she said, feigning cheerfulness.

Hermione tried to wiggle her way out of his hold but he swiftly followed her moves, continuing to trap her against the wall.

She needed to get out of this position, needed to get out from the hold he had her under. Once more her eyes darted to the right, trying to calculate how far she would come if she simply ducked under his arm and ran as fast as she could. Maybe if she hexed him at the same time?

"But Miss Bernard, you already are in trouble..." he purred, moving his body even closer to hers, a smug smile on his lips.

She panicked, knowing he would not back down from hurting her. Quickly she ducked under his arm and began running to get away from him only to be janked back by her hair. It felt like he had ripped it off by the scalp. Hermione stumbled down to the floor with a scream and soon she felt him sitting on top of her hips, successfully pinning her to the floor with her arms over her head. Cold laughter filled the air.

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