Chapter 33

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As she stood there, waving her friends goodbye, she had divided feelings. When she had told the girls about becoming Head Girl and being able to stay here at Hogwarts for the whole summer, they had all been so happy for her. Even Prudence. Hermione, herself, had been over the moon. Not only had she succeeded with becoming Head Girl when the teachers had only known her for little less than a year, but she was able to enjoy the summer in the magnificent that was Hogwarts. She had been so happy, but of course Tom Riddle would find a way to ruin it. And he had.

She could feel his eyes on her, burning a hole in the back of her skull, but she refused to meet his eyes. Refused to even spare him a glance, he didn't deserve that. She had never felt so much rage towards another human being before. It wasn't just that he had succeeded with deceiving her, having her believe that his intentions might be honorable, that he actually cared. No. She was angry with herself as well, for falling into the trap that was Tom Riddle. She had known he'd be charming. She had known he'd be manipulative. She had known he'd be intriguing. And still she fell for it. But of course she couldn't take it out on herself, and so he'd have to do the honors. She'd happily spend the summer avoiding him for all she cared.

"I'm going to miss you so much, 'mione! Do remember to write, and don't get too caught up with your reading. Enjoy the weather as well!" said Millicent as she gave her a bear hug.

"Of course! I'm going to miss you too, Mill. I'll probably take you up on that visit as well."

"You're more than welcome. My parents are already looking forward to seeing you."

The two girls smiled warmly at each other before the rest of the girls came to hug Hermione and bid her goodbye.

"I'll make sure to be at Mill's when you get there!" said Alice.

"That sounds great! Can't imagine anything better." she smiled back.

Isa gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before jumping into the carriage after Millicent and Alice.

Prudence walked up and gave her a hard hug.

"I'm super jealous that you get to spend the whole summer with Tom effing Riddle. Do write to me about the juicy details, will you?" she said and blinked, gaining a rather fierce blush from Hermione in response.

She sighed and waved them off before quickly making her way back into the castle. She could feel his presence before she spotted him walking right behind her. She tried speeding up her steps but he had longer legs, and so it was no use. She practically ran into the alcove that hid the entrance to their headquarters, but he was right behind her and grabbed a hold of her arm, pushing her towards him. It hurt.

"Let go of me, Riddle." she exclaimed, trying to sound determined but it came out rather high pitched.

She tried wiggling herself out of his grasp, but it was no use. He wasn't just taller than her, he was also stronger. She could feel his hold beginning to bruise her wrist.

"Not until we talk about what you thought you witnessed yesterday." he said with an arrogant smile.

He probably enjoyed this, the sick bastard. She felt heat rising to her face at the notion, wanting to be anywhere but here.

"There's nothing to talk about." she got out in a cold voice.

"Oh, I think there is." he growled.

His grasp of her wrist tightened even further as he took a step towards her and ensnared her against the wall. It was a common situation for them to be in, hadn't this happened thousand of times before? It had always ended with arousal, something Hermione refused to let happen this time. She quit struggling against his hold and glared at him instead. His strong grip lessened a smidge. They were both looking at each other with fire in their eyes, heaving deep breaths.

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