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YOUR POV 🌟—___________________________[                 MADE BY: @KYOLUVV        ]

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[ MADE BY: @KYOLUVV        ]

As I got a good look at the person, I couldn't just believe what I saw.

"You motherfucker really just threw that at me? And the here I thought we had a bonding moment on our way to math. . ." I, fr, was quite annoyed to see who just hit me with a fresh water bottle, like drink it, don't hit ppl with that shit.

". . ."

"Yeah Ik you ain't much of a talker are you, airhead?" I said as I just looked at him with a blank expression as he just stared at me like he forgot who I was (💀).

Everyone just looked between us, expecting a beef but nah, he's good like I don't fight bros yk? Bro code n' shit.

". . .who are you?" He asked as I just stared at him dumbfounded.

Almost everyone in the room face palmed themself and grunted.

"Bro you should be a comedian ong." I said as I threw his bottle at him and he catched it.

As I sat down, everyone in the cafeteria minded their own business again and everything was back how it was.

"Say Y/N, you said you had a 'bonding' moment with Tokito-kun, what did you mean by that?" Pig tails asked me as she pinched boar boys fingers as he tried to steal her food.

"Well uh. . ." I looked at Nezuko since I knew she would scold me for denying her request to bring me to my class.

"You see, I was on my way to my class, everything went pretty chill and I almost arrived in math class, but suddenly some students came to me and cornered me in an empty classroom!" I said as I made an offended expression while hastily waving with my hands.

Everyone listend to my story with curiousness.

"There was that one dude that said 'Gurl give me ur wallet so I can buy me more skittles!" I said as I made a hilarious boy voice wich sounded like an old geezer.

"And I was like 'why you want them skittles anyways?? Bro wants them tekashi 6ixn9ine rainbow teeth's—" rolled my eyes as I flipped my hair and apparently I sparkled while doing that.

(Credits: That shiny hoe Uzui Tengen)

"ANYWAYS- he got mad and told his discord kittens to attack me and they did! Worst part is they kept repeating 'meow meow' after they launched themselves at me!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 𝟒 𝐌𝐄 | ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ᵏⁿʸ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now