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STORY BEGINS —____________________________

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[                 MADE BY: @KYOLUVV          ]

"But she. . .she surely knows how to talk with people."
Thanks to Genya, Y/N could now comfortably walk around in his spare clothes.

Tho, Genya is still debating if he should have really lend her his clothes over.

The two of them were walking in silence, well not really, if you ignore Y/N constantly singing, humming and talking, then yes, it was a really comfortable silence.

Suddenly the (h/c) haired girl stops in her tracks and looks in a different direction.

"Hmm?" Genya turns to look at her, but also noticed the now small kitten who was trotting towards the both of them.

"Oh my good lord. . ." Mumbled the (h/c) haired girl and started walking towards it.

"What is a cat doing on school grounds. . ?" The mohawk wearing boy asked himself, eying the two beings interact with each other.

Y/N held her hand out for the kitten, waiting for it to sniff it.

Once the kitten sniffed her hand, it bumped its head against her palm and rubbed its head on it.

"OHNYGODNAKNAKSNAJSVK ZHKAOSNA‼️" The girl gushed over the cuteness of the cat, having a inner fan girl moment.

"GENYANSKBWKS JAOQBJA‼️BSKWBK⁉️"She exclaimed, still patting the cat.

The boy could only sweat drop at the girl, tilting his head to the side.

"Ehh. . ?" he asked grimacing at the girl. Y/N only glared at him and stuck her tongue out at him.

She turned back to the cat, smiling ever so brightly at it. She observed it clear and soon came to an conclusion.

"I'm taking this cat with me." She said, picking up the kitten and hold it in her arms like it's a lil plushie who's little paws where hanging down.

"You can't just take it with you." Wow, no wonder why he has no friends 😐

Y/N only gasped and, like the baddie she is, flipped her hair and walked past the boy with her new friend in her arms.

"He's not a it you toe sucking hoe! His name is. . .SUGOMA BALLZ II.‼️" You yelled as you lifted the cat above you and walked forwards.

'Never did i once pitied an animal this much—' Sighing he just walked along side the girl to the front gates of their school.


The two students now stood in front of the big gate, waiting for their friends who they accidentally left at the gym.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 𝟒 𝐌𝐄 | ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ᵏⁿʸ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now