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     NO ONES POV 🌟—____________________________[                MADE BY: @KYOLUVV          ]

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[                MADE BY: @KYOLUVV          ]

"Uh. .are you okay mister?"
They both just stared at each other, not daring to mutter a single word. Heavy breathing could be heard from both of them.

Light yellow eyes stared back at (e/c) ones. The (h/c) girl got slightly uncomfortable under the man's gaze, so she shifted a bit in her position.

"U—uhm hello? Mister? Sir?" She waved a bit with her hand around to catch the strangers attention, yet it didn't work, he just kept staring at her with slightly widened eyes.

Y/N was getting impatient, so she snapped her fingers a bit. Yet she seemed to get no reaction outta him.

'Bro. 💀'

"Hello? Bro?. .dude ngl your intensive staring is making me kinda uncomfortable—" she said, letting both of her arms, fall to her side.

This seems to snap the man out of his trance and shook his head. He blushed out of embarrassment, for staring too long.

"I—I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare that long. . ." he stated as he grabbed the boxes on top of him and put them aside.

"It's okay, I get stared at often so it's nothing new." Y/N said as she held her hand out for the pink haired stranger, while giving him a warm smile.

This made him stare at her again, she looked so angel like in this moment, it almost felt unbelievable. The shining light from the window tracing her form, making her look like an fallen angel.

"You sure stare a lot." The (h/c) girl chuckled and took his hand by her own. Pulling him up, she soon stood next to the tall man.

"Thank you. ." he mumbled while fixing his shirt and pants a bit. From the corner from his eyes, he saw a different girl, she had long black hair with orange tips, and big lavender pink eyes who stared at him with a gentle gaze.

Nezuko smiled nervously and waved a bit to him, out of respect. He waved back and gave a awkward smile back.

"So, what were you doing here in this dark corner?" Y/N asked as she looked up from the boxes she just inspected and stared at the stranger with those mesmerizing (e/c) eyes again.


Is it happening again? I'm convinced it is.
I'm feeling like I'm in a loop that plays again and again.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 𝟒 𝐌𝐄 | ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ᵏⁿʸ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now