Chapter 1

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Your mom was a psychologist, she helped young kids in your neighbourhood since you recently moved


You were sat in your room, your mom told you to since she's had a new patient. You only heard what his voice was like. It was raspy but soft. It was kind of calming in a weird way

It's been a hour since he'd come, you thought he would have left by now so you walked towards your door

It opened just as you put your hand on the nob

You said, a blonde boy with brown roots stood in front of you. He had chiselled facial features and lovely brown eyes. He was way taller than you

"You should really keep your door locked"
He said, his eyes stayed open unblinkingly
"You don't know who might walk in"

"Who.. are you?"
You asked, studying his face

He said

"Y/n.. labonir" (lay-bon-eer)
you nodded, noticing how long you were staring at him

"sounds foreign"
He mentioned, it was now his turn to study you

"I- uhh.. i don't know if it is or not"
You stuttered, taking your earbud out

"What you reading?"
He asked, looking at your bed

You responded 

He claimed, his monotone voice sparked something in your heart

"If you can find me a better book then I'll read it"
You uttered sarcastically, rolling your eyes

He shrugged and shut your door

You re-lived the experience you've just had

"He's pretty cute"
You hummed, Turing around and jumping on your bed


The next day, you ran downstairs to your moms office. You had forgotten something at your dads house and desperately needed it

"Mom! I forgot my-"

You noticed the angel from the day before

"Cant you see that I'm in the middle of something sweetheart"
She hissed 

You replied, taking one more glance at the blonde. He licked his chapped lips and ran a hand through his hair 

You walked out of the room, closing the door. You started to walk towards the kitchen. You heard tate and your mom laugh

"Yeah, i was afraid my big dick wouldn't work"
He laughed

You pressed your ear to the wall, a wave of guilt washed over you


"I didn't take the meds cause i was scared my dick wouldn't work... i met someone"

You blinked

"What the fuck.."
You whispered to yourself
"Whoever she is I'm gonna.. whatever. I'm not jealous, im not jealous"

Your face heated up from the realisation that you liked him. He was a bit creepy but you could deal with creepy

You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal, your stomach was growling

"God I'm hungry"
You mumbled

"You know.. talking to yourself is a sign that your slowly going insane"

You turned around, a spoon was in your mouth a bowl of cereal was in your left and the milk jug was in your right

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now