Part 12

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"So.. all this time i thought i was protecting you."
You sighed
"But.. you were protecting me"

"That's all i ever wanted to do"
Tate confessed, sitting on the floor a good few feet from you
"Since i first.. saw you."

"So why'd you keep it a secret?"
You asked

"Hi, I'm tate. I'm dead. Wanna hook up?"
He asked back, you sat next to him
"I don't think so"

"I still don't remember dying"
You whispered, that awful feeling crashing on you
"Do.. you?"

He sighed

"What happens now?"

"You draw a card, and then discard"
He smiled

"No, i mean, like, how's it going to be?"
You asked

"Just like this. Like it's always been"
He said, setting the cards down
"It's you and me. Together for always"

He smiled

You picked up your stack of cards, tate picked up a singular card off the main deck and set it down. He then picked up his own

You felt.. sort of happy. In a weird kind of way

You dropped your stack and stood up

"What can ghosts do?"
You asked, staring at a wall

"I've tried, don't"

You sighed and walked behind tate

You took a handful of his hair and toyed with it

"Did you die greasy?"
You joked, brushing his hair

He rested his head back on your waist and laughed

"Your sooo funny, y/n"
He rolled his eyes

"Why do you think i make the jokes that i do?"
You smiled, removing your hand

Your dad called

"Aww crap"
Tate said, standing up

You walked out of your room, your dad took ahold of your arm and dragged you outside

"Pack up your things, we're going to get your mom and then we're leaving for good"
He said

"No- dad you don't understand!"

"It's tate, i don't trust him with you. We're leaving and that's final"
He dragged you out the front door

"Dad i haven't seen tate in weeks"

"Look, your mothers going to aunt joes to give birth and i support it"
He daid, you pulled your arm away

"No, you don't want to do this"
You sighed knowing you can't leave the property

"are you gonna get in the car or do i have to make you?!"
Your dad asked

He threw you in the car

"Dad, i feel like I'm gonna throw up!"
You sighed
"Fine.. I'll lay down"

You rested your head on the seat and waited for you to end up in the kitchen or something

Your dad pulled out of the driveway, you opened your eyes and you were standing looking out of a window

You turned and saw tate sat on your bed

"What's gonna happen when they get back?"
You asked
"What do i say?"

Tate was searching up "u-tube"

"It's not "u-tube" it's "YouTube" with a Y-O-U"
You smiled

He smiled back

"If they find out that i killed myself, they'll go Insane"
You said, continuing to stare at the screen
"Literally, for real this time. I mean- they can't know"

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now