This getting a tad bit serious now

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You sat in your room cradling the American psycho book

"He would- never"
You kept whispering
"H-he- he loves me.. h-e he would never.. haunt me"

You kept glancing through the pages looking at all the highlighted sections

Some of them spelt out "i love you" or "you are my world" or "I'd never hurt you"

You sobbed
"He's never hurt me! He would never do that! It's all fake! He's not a ghost and a normal 17 year old boy!"

You sobbed hard


You stared at the memorial in your school library, tears stung your eyes for the millionth time of the day

Your friend, piper your ex bully, had given you some pills, she told you that they helped her sleep.

You turned around and saw the teacher who was in the room that day

"Uhh.. sir?"
You asked


"May i ask.. what was tate like?"

"So your one of them?"
The teacher asked
"Are you a transfer student?"

"No- i- i just wanted to know what he was like"
You said
"No one just has a bad day then decides to shoot up a school"

"Look- if that bullet was one inch to the left i would have walked out of there and possibly stopped tate, if it was an inch above i would have died. Look kid, shit just happens!"
He said, moving away

You wiped the tears that were streaming down your face


You stepped into the house, your heart was still haunted from all the shitty things your.. the monster did

You walked down into the basement looking to see if tate was there

You called out, your throat horse from crying

A pair of twins ran out and threw poppers at you

"Go away!"
You screamed
"Get out of my house!"

"Look what he did to me"
A nurse said

"Excuse me, ma'am? I'm bleeding and need help"

"Are you here for the procedure? Has my wife drugged you?"

You ran upstairs, loud rock music was playing on your phone. You turned it off

You span around, the chalkboard was in your room and had three words on it

"I.. love.. you"

You screamed, you felt weak like you couldn't walk any longer

You collapsed on your floor from exhaustion

"Oh god"
You sniffled
"I'm too fucking pathetic"

You remembered the pills, you opened the bottle and downed a hand full.. a handful turned into two then you consumed the whole container

You gaged a little. You layed down, waiting for the embrace of an overdose to consume you


You were in a haze, you could hear shouting but couldn't figure what it was out


You were going to puke

"Don't you die on me, please"

Someone pulled you into a bathtub, or what felt like one

They turned the handle and a shower started dancing on your face, happy duo dances were played on your face. They twisted and twirled and dance and sang

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now