Part 11!!

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Tate walked into the basement

"What did you do to him?"
You asked

"I just- i convinced him to leave us for an hour or so"
He said, sitting by one of the twins

"No tate, what did you do to him?"
You asked, softly to not scare the children

"I didn't do anything bad!"
He said, he raised his voice obviously agitated
"Just scared him a little. He'll be fine but we're running out of time"

"You're being weird. Time for what?"
You asked, setting the book down

"I figured out how to keep them from sending you away"
He said, smiling

All the children and Nora disappeared

"You mean, run away?"
You asked, standing up. Tate stood up too

"Kind of, yeah"
He said
"I love you, y/n. I love you so much and i want you to be happy and free. If we take these, we can stay here"

He held out a bottle of pills

"We can play with Beauregard, you can read to the children, we can play games, watch videos. We can be together forever"
He said, holding onto your arm

"You want us to commit suicide?"
You asked, your voice weak

Tate nodded his head

"Yeah, and i don't think there's enough in here to really.. you know.."
He panted, pulling something else out
"So i think if we can use these"

"Where did you get those pills?"
You asked, shocked

"Your dad had a lot of samples"
He said

"Did you hurt my dad?"
You asked, worried

"NO! I told you! I just knocked him out so i could buy us some time!"
He screamed
"Listen to me y/n, we can't get all chickenshit about this! We're running out of options!"

You didn't say a word, you were too shocked. When you tired to overdose, tate saved you. Why was he only just doing this now?

"Yeah.. okay. I get it. It's the only way we can be together-"

Tate pressed his lips to yours in an act of desperation

"Like Romeo and Juliet"
He breathed
"I know how to do it so it won't hurt"

You stared at the items he had in his hands

"Can we do it in the bathtub?"
You asked

He asked back

"Cause it's warm and nice, i could light some candles"
You said, picturing the scene

"Okay but we have to go now"
He said

"I'll.. I'll go run the bath"
You said, a little scared

Tate sighed in relief

You climbed down the ladder and walked a little away from it

You screamed

You ran down the stairs onto the ground floor

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now