Part 14

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Tate layed in your bed when you walked back up

He smiled when he saw you, sitting up

"My mom is dead"
You said without a hint of emotion, you were containing your pure rage

Tate climbed to the end of the bed and sat face to face with you

"I'm sorry.. i know how close you were"
He said, putting his hands on yours

You pulled your hands away

You nodded, holding back tears
"We were... my dads down there all alone now."

Tate stood up, his eyes were dull like your mothers

"That makes me sad. I like your dad"
He said, the monotone expression from when you first met him was back
"He was nice to me"

"He's nice to all family friends"
You said, crossing your arms
"Even the ones who lie to him and to my mom"


"Why did you start seeing her in the first place?"
You asked
"Constance thought you needed help"

"I did. I do"
He said, trying to get close to you

"You knew you were dead"
The rage was starting to reveal itself

Tate had the nerve to match your tone

"Do you know why?"

"The cops shot me"
He looked around
"Right here in this room"

"Why? Why'd they shoot you"
You lowered your voice, scaring even yourself a little

Tate was lost for words, he was trying to create some pathetic lie to save himself

"I don't know"
He put the mask back on, the plea in his eyes, the naïve expression on his face. His posture was even made for him to look scared, timid, shy

Tears surfaced on his face

What a dirty fucking monster

"You murdered people, tate"
You said, stern
"Kids, like me and you"

You took his hand, positioned it like a gun and put it on your head

"Would you shoot me?"
You whispered
"What if i was in that school"

Your eyes clouded up with tears

He shook his head, his persona trying not to believe it. Tears rolled down his face as he snatched his hand away

"The kids that came up to us on Halloween?"

Tate smiled, thinking it was some joke

"Why would i do that?"
He said, his voice soft and intoxicating. He was trying to pull you in to his pathetic fantasy

You stared at him in rage-full silence, the tears rolled down your face

"Why would i do that?"
He repeated, he started to properly cry. His voice breaking and everything

He stepped forwards

"Why would i do that?"
He sobbed, his voice broken. His face was red

He wiped away a tear

"Why would i do that?!"
His sobs became louder

"I don't know"
You said coldly, refusing to take his side once more
"Why'd you kill those guys who lived here before us?"

You shrugged your shoulders

The anger hurt

"Why would you rape my mother?!"

He sobbed quietly
"I'm sorry"

You refused the apology in silence

"I'm sorry"
He sobbed
"I was different then"

You scoffed

"I used to think you were like me. You were attracted to the darkness. But, tate. You are the darkness"
You said quietly

He whispered, shaking his head
"Before you, that's all there was"

He walked close to you, his face inches from yours. You refused to move

"Your the only light I've ever known"
He whispered and hesitated
"You've changed me, y/n"

You sighed and cupped his cheek

"I believe that"
You said, giving him false empathy

He smiled, keeping eye contact

"I love you, tate"
You said, continuing to stare into his eyes

His breathing became a little heavy

He made a little sound in response to your words, he longed for the taste of your lips

"But i can't forgive you"
You whispered, pulling your hand away and walking backwards
"You have to pay for what you did... All the pain you caused. All the sorrow, You murdered my mother"

He shouted, realising what you did

"You did!"
You yelled back

He sobbed again

"That baby, whatever it was, it killed her"
You said, your hands turned into fists
"I can't be with you"

Tate opened his mouth to say something

"I won't be with you"
you walked even further back

"Wh-what are you saying?"
He asked, walking towards you. Looking for pitty

"I'm saying go away"
You remembered how to get rid of him for the time being

He breathed
"No, no please don't do this"

"Go away, tate"
You said, getting ready to scream

He screamed, tears flowed down his face

You screamed, closing your eyes

You both screamed, all the pain and torture that was inside you exploded into that scream

You could no longer hear his scream so you opened your eyes

He wasn't there

You hugged yourself, sobbing quietly. You shuddered. A weight was lifted off of you

A hand wrapped around your arm, your dead mom embraced you

You hugged her as tight as you could making sure she wouldn't leave

"That was very brave"
Your mom said
"I'm proud of you"

You sobbed
"I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry you had to die"

Your mom shushed you, soothing you with her presence

"I'm sorry you lost your baby"
You whispered, calming down

Your mom pushed you away and brushed your hair out form your face

"But i didn't loose my baby"
She said

You sobbed and she pulled you back in

You screamed loudly, releasing all your pain

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now