Hes so fucking fine

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"I hate her!"
You ranted
"I just wanna.. kill her"

"Then do it"

"I can't just- kill that blonde son of a bitch"
You sighed

"Well it be for the grater good, one less high school bitch making the lives of the less fortunate more tolerable is in my opinion, public service"
Tate said, taking up the whole couch in your room
"You want her to leave you alone? Stop making your life a living hell? Short of killing her, there's only one solution. Scare her, make her afraid of you. That's the only thing bullies will react to"

You sighed, lying on your bed

"You simply walk up to her and say.. here's the deal i need you to stop harassing me. I got what you want, drugs. Come to my house tomorrow for a free sample. I'm a dealer and a good one. I got the best shit in town"

"She's a cokehead , i don't have coke"
You sighed

"You won't need any, it's just an excuse to get her over here after that she'll leave empty handed and terrified. I promise you, you'll never be bothered by her again"

"How am i gonna terrify her?"
You asked, sitting up

"That's where i come in"
He said, smiling

"Ugh, your just such a good friend"
You smiled
"American psycho was.. a bit gory"

"Weak stomach?"
He smiled


"What's down there?"
The blonde said

"My stash. My parents toss my room every week"
You sighed

"Your screwing with Me"
She hissed

"It's just a basement, it's the best hiding place. this is great shit too"
You said, Turing on the light switch
"A lot of coke smuggled in from Central America. Comes in on lobster boats from Gloucester. Used to show my boobs to the lobstermen for a meh or two before they cut it"

"So where is it?"
She asked

"Right around the corner"
You smiled

She walked around

"To the right!"
You hissed

"This place is a dump"
The blonde scoffed

"Oh shut up"
You sighed again

"I want my goddamn drugs!"
She ordered

"Then keep going"
You said, guiding her

She turned on the light

"So this is the coke whore"
Tate said, sitting on a chair in the middle of the room

"Who the hell are you?"
She asked

"Get the lights"
Tate ordered

You flipped them off

The backups started flickering, tate laughed maniacally. You flinched a little from how awfully loud he was

"What is going on??"
Blondie shouted, you could barely hear her over tate

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now