Andrew tate

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"Y/n, wake up"
Your mom said, pouring cold water on your face
"We need to get out of here. We're going to aunt joes"

You asked, your mom pulled you out of bed and threw some clothes in a bag

"We need to go, now!"
She said

She dragged you downstairs and outside

You caught a glimpse of tate jumping out the window. He stood in the yard, watching you. Tears rose to his eyes. The Color pink stung his cheeks

You stared back at him, the same happened to you

Your mom pulled you into the car and did your seatbelt

"Please help us ma'am, we're hurt"

Your mom screamed and fell out the car, you were unshaped

"Go away guys"
You sighed
"Just go away"

Your mom dragged you out of the car

You said

She ran into the house with you following behind

Your dad pulled your mom aside

"Go to bed sweetie"
He said

You walked up the stairs and into your room

Tate was sat on your bed

"You.. wanna talk about.. it?"

"What? My mom leaving the house and dragging me with her?"
You asked
"No way"

You sat next to tate

"I wish i could just- escape"
You sighed, closing your eyes

Tate pressed his lips against yours, you opened your eyes

His hands rested on your shoulders

You closed your eyes again and kissed him back, it was a struggle for dominance but tate managed to win you over

The kisses were becoming more intense and more longing

"I thought you said-"

"I stopped taking them"

Tate pulled you back into the kiss, a hand slid up your shirt

He pushed you away and took off his own, he then unbuckled his belt

"Your sure your okay with this?"

You were in shock but nodded

"Y-yeah, i am"
You smiled

He helped you undress and continued to kiss you


"Did it hurt? It usually hurts for the first time"

"No, it was just intense"
You said, pulling his shirt over your shoulder

"It was for me too"

You stared into the glossy blue diamonds, they were real

"Your.. really here"
You whispered

"Of course, I'll always be here.. if that's what you want"

You nodded slightly

"They'll always be here too, won't they?"
You asked
"The others"

"They can't hurt us, y/n"

"Those freaks who tried to kill me and my mom"
You whispered, re living the fear of that day
"They're dead aren't they?.. we saw them outside last night. My moms totally freaked"

"They're just trying to scare you. That's all they can do now"

"I wish i could tell my mom that"
You sighed

"You can't, you can't. You can't, y/n"
He sat up fast
"If you tell anyone that we know, they'll say your crazy. They'll wanna lock you up, they'll try to take you away from me"

Your mom called
"Can you come downstairs?"

You called back

You hesitated

"I love you, stay here"
You said, putting on some shorts

You walked downstairs

"What's going on?"
You asked

"Uhh.. honey, would you please tell your dad about last night?"
Your mom said

"I saw mom.. really upset. I didn't see anything"
You said


"I'm sorry mom, i don't know what you saw?! You were so upset. I was upset. I still am"

"Okay, you can go"

You nodded and walked back upstairs

tate was gone, he probably went to go talk to his mom or something

You showered and got back into his shirt, it gave you some sense of comfort

You smelt it, it smelt like.. aftershave

your mom screamed and a shot was fired

You ran downstairs towards the screaming, sirens could be heard from outside

"Woah hey! Hey!"
A police officer said, grabbing you
"Are you and your mom okay?"

"I- i don't know?"
You said, for paramedics ran through the house

Your dad walked down the stairs holding his leg

"Your- your mom shot me"
He whimpered

You whispered

The police officers talked to your dad, you zoned out. Not wanting to listen

"Hey kid, kid, kid!"

"Huh? Yeah?"

"What do you want to happen to your mom?"
A different officer asked

"I- uhh.. i want her to be safe"
You said

The officer walked upstairs to the bedroom, you followed

"She's uhh.. in here"
You said

They walked into your moms room

You walked out, not wanting to see the aftermath

You ran up to your room and sat on the bed

You felt hands on your back

"It's okay, I'm here"
Tate said, pulling you close to him. You rested on him, your hand traveled to intertwine with his hair

He moved your hand away, he then moved your hair and planted kisses on your neck

"It's gonna be okay"
He whispered

"Tate- I'm tired"
You whispered back

You layed down, he copied

"Go to sleep then.. I'll take care of you"
He said, brushing your hair

You rolled over and rested your face in his chest

You closed your eyes, you felt.. safe in his arms.

Hah, what a joke

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now