Boopy snoopy

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You woke up next to tate, he was cradling you not letting you go

"I'm never letting you go"
He whispered

You felt like you were in a dream

There was only one way to test if you were

You walked downstairs and picked up your moms razor

You took the blade off and hesitated

If your in a dream, this won't hurt
You thought

You ran the blade across your wrist, it did in fact hurt.. but it felt good

"Stop that!"

The blade was snatched away from you

"Let me see"
Tate said, pulling your wrist up to his lips

He licked away the blood, your whole body shuddered

You pulled your arm away

"Your right! Your mutilating yourself"
He said, holding both of your arms in his
"Promise me you'll never do that again"

You hesitated

"I promise"

Tate let go of you and pulled you into a hug

"Let's go back upstairs"
He whispered

You nodded and walked back into the third story with him

"Mom.. planned this brutal family dinner"
You said
"Dads coming too"

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Why are you asking me?"
You quickly replied

"I dunno, can't all be shit. Right? There's gotta be someplace better... for people like you, at least"
He stared into your eyes

"Not you?"

"Ever since you've gotten here this is the better place"
He hummed

You felt his pain, it was strong and overwhelming


"Monkey, your not eating"
Your dad said, pointing his fork to the big pile of food on your plate

"I'm not hungry, and stop calling me that"
You sighed
"I'm pretty stuffed on bullshit"

"Your mom and i know that your upset.. maybe there's some things you want to talk about?"

"Nope, you didn't care before. So why would you now want to try to deal with the problem?"
You said, moving a potato around your plate

"Baby, you never leave your room, you barely eat! These are textbook signs of depression"
Your mom sighed
"We are wry concerned"

You stood up and walked to the door then turned around

"Look, you guys drag me all the way out here to save our family then you decide to get back together. You buy a house that i actually like then your telling me your selling it. Not even asking me what i want? So fine, I'm depressed. But I'm not gonna off myself. So that you can go back to your policy of benign neglect"
You stepped back and walked up the stairs, you heard something rolling above you

You pulled down the attic ladder and climbed up it

A ball rolled and landed on your feet

A voice screamed

You walked backwards, trying not to scare the person

Someone was behind you, you turned around and swang for it

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now