Part 16

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It had finally turned Christmas, you and moire helped decorate the Christmas tree

"Damn, these ornaments are ancient"
You sighed

"Please, the word will loose all meaning when you realise the rest of your life is a long today"
She hummed

Your dad turned the tree lights on

You wished you could spend the Christmas with tate, he didn't deserve it

Maybe.. you'd pay him one last Christmas visit

You caught a glimpse of him staring at the family scene, you ignored him. You didn't act on the thought


Sometimes when you walked around the house you'd hear a faint whistling. It was a whistle of the song called "twisted nerve"

Sometimes you'd hear songs that you used to sing in the shower

You knew it was tate. He loved you as much as you loved him. The difference was that you had more control over yourself

Your heart hurt even more every passing day without tate, it was for the best though. No one could describe the pain that he had inflicted onto others so you had to sit and suffer. Nothing.. nothing would be as bad as what he had done to others

You caught glimpses of him other the passing years, your body stayed the same but your heart had grown dead and weak

You could barely go two days without immense pain shooting through your heart. The only thing that helped was your surrounding family

You've done every suicide attempt known to man to just feel something. Nothing ever helped

You've cut your own fingers off, you've pulled out teeth. Nothing hurt more than the growing loneliness

Tate had made many attempts of trying to talk to you over recent years. You ignored him. He didn't deserve happiness

One day, two people bought and entered the house, it was a lady with white hair and smooth skin, a man with beautiful clothing, tall and elegant

The two performed a ritual to make them see you. You didn't want to be seen

The trespassers that had come onto the property didn't see you so why should they?

You also caught glimpses of everyone else in the house who also didn't want to be seen

Tate had daily sessions with your mom, you've frowned upon the fact that they still do that but your mom tried to help

You sat under the stairs smoking a cigarette, the twins sat either side of you. They begged to have a smoke each

"Maybe in a few more years..."
You kept saying over and over again

Troy begged

"You've been saying that for years!"
Bryan finished

"A few more years"
You said

Bryan snatched it off of you and made a run for it

Troy ran after Bryan, you chances after them both

You ran past the two new owners of the house

Tate caught you running past

"Y/n, please"
He begged

You "accidentally" kicked his leg on the run past

You remember what Constance said

"Pettiness causes wrinkles"

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now