Part 13

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"There is a lot of sadness. A lot of grief and revenge in this house"
Billie said, her hand was extended as she walked around the room
"Sadness.. guilt"

"And perversion"
Constance added
"Now, can you ferret out the fairies for us? I mean that's our main concern at the moment"

"Targeting a particular spirit is going to be difficult"
Billie said, looking at you
"This is a very crowded house. You were so young. I'm sorry"

"So what can we do?"
Constance asked

"Somehow we have to try and dislodge them from the paramagnetic grip of this place."

"The what?"
You asked

"The evil. It's a force like any other, y/n"
Billie walked you though the house
"Pure physics. Real and powerful. created by events, events that unleash psychic energy into the environment, where it's absorbed. Like the way a battery stored energy. You'll se it all the time in places like prisons or asylums. Negative energy feeds on trauma and pain. It draws those things to it. The force here in this house is larger than many individuals traumas. And it has a need. It wants to break through. It wants to move in our world. It's using those trapped between this world and the next as conduits."

"That's very interesting.."
Constance sighed
"But what do we do about the gays? I mean how do we get rid of them?"

"Oh there might be a way"
Billie nodded
"But i can't promise"

Billie felt a presence

"He can't be here!"
She said sternly

You whispered

"Billie Dean, that's my boy"
Constance said
"That's tate"

Billie turned around

"I wanna help"
Tate called out from the doorway

"You've helped enough"
Bille snapped

"Not now tate. Go on"
Constance said, she waved her hand away to signal that tate should go

He walked off silently

"What was that about?"
You worriedly asked

Constance laughed
"It's just that, sometimes when a medium meets a spirit so directly, it has a powerful effect. That's all. It's nothing to concern yourself about... okay so what can we do?"

Bille sat you down at a table

"It's difficult to banish a spirit. Not impossible. The most successful attempt that i know of happened when America was known as the new world."

"Are you kidding??"
You asked
"That's like 500 years ago"

"Spirits do not follow our physical laws"
Billie said
"Nor are they effected by time. About the only thing they have in common with the living is their suffering. Regret, pain, loneliness. In 1590 on the Coast of what we now know as North Carolina, the entire colony of Roanoke, all 117 men, women and children, died inexplicably. It became known as the ghost colony because the spirits remained. They haunted native tribes living in the surrounding area, killing indiscriminately"

Billie looked down at the empty rum glass

"The elder knew he had to act, he cast a banishment curse. First, he collected the personal belongings of the dead colonists, then he burned them. The ghosts appeared, summoned by their talismans, but before the spirits could cause anymore harm, the elder completed the curse that would banish the ghosts forever"

You whispered

"By uttering a single word. The same word found carved on a post at the abandoned colony. Croatoan."
Billie finished

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