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The doorbell rang, you couldn't be bothered to go answer it

The door was banging violently

"Oh well shit"
You sighed, getting up and going downstairs

"Honey, call 911 and go in your room and lock the door. Don't come out until i say so"
Your mom said

You nodded

"Why do i need to call 911?"
You asked, heading up the stairs

"There's a woman who's bleeding outside our house"
She said

You ran up the stairs and into your room, you locked the door and called 911

"Hey yeah, there's a woman outside our house who's bleeding. Yeah, please come fast"
You said
"Fast please!"

Someone held your neck and dragged you down the stairs

The masked figures gave you an outfit

"Screw you im not putting this on"
You hissed, throwing it at the woman

"You have to, it's perfect"
The woman said, all three of them took of their masks

"Take your clothes off!"
The man ordered, ripping your actual clothes with his knife

Your mom screamed
"Put it on me!"

"Oh don't worry, you'll both be wearing uniforms"
The main woman laughed
"R. Franklin hated nurses"

"We're not gonna be part of your reenactment"
Your mom sighed

"Put this on, you won't like it if i have to make you"
The woman said to you, throwing the costume back at you

You stood up and paused

"Suck my dick"
You hissed, grabbing the woman's shirt and head butting her. She fell and screeched

The man ran at you but tripped over your moms leg, she kicked him hard

The second woman pushed your moms chair over

You ran for the kitchen and picked up the biggest knife you had

You got pulled into a storage room, you screamed

"Shh- shh- it's only me"

"Holy fucking Christ!"
You hissed, hitting tate. Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was gonna explode. Your face heated up from being pressed by the wall with him so close
"They- th-they're trying to kill me and my mom"

"You have to get them to the basement"
Tate said, you could feel his breath on your face, that made your face go redder

"What the he'll are you talking about???"
You whisper shouted

"The basement, just do it"
He said

He walked away and hid behind the door. The main woman walked in and grabbed you, you were dragged up to the bathroom. The woman ran a bath to dunk you under

Tate Langdon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now