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I hate being in this room. I hate the fact that these motherfuckers can just come up and snatch me in the middle of the night. I can't stop moving, pacing from side to side, trying to calm my nerves. Goddammit! Fucking hell!

I am not a nice person, but I don't consider myself a bad man. I've just made bad choices in life, mostly out of desperation - that doesn't I can be treated like a dog!

I've been in this room for what I can mostly assume were hours, with no water or food. It was a tactic. They wanted to see me sweat and be uncomfortable, so it would be easier to take whatever information they wanted out of me. Fucking vultures!

I kicked the chair, sliding it away from me. Back and forth. Back and forth. The furthest wall had a gigantic mirror showing my reflection as I walked past it. I looked at it, meeting my face.

"You fuckers..." I muttered. I walked around the table, standing right in front of the mirror, and banged on it. "Oi! You can't hold in here like this. Let me out!" I banged on the glass a bit more. I cupped my hands around my eyes so I could look inside. "You fuckers! LET ME OUT!"

I closed my fist and continued to bang on the glass until I was exhausted. No answer. No sign. No nothing. Probably there was no one on the other side and I was yelling into nothingness. Fucking losers!

I picked up the chair, placed it behind the table and sat down. Then, I let my head fall on the cold table and thought about my life.

I thought about my mother. She would be very upset to see me in such a predicament. My sisters would too. I thought about my other siblings, mostly Phoebe and Daisy, who still lived with me and were probably worried sick. I thought about Liam and Niall, who were wondering where I had been ever since I went outside for a smoke and hadn't returned.

And Harry.

I saw him earlier today walking to work, saying hi to his normal passers-by. He didn't see me; I was crouching behind a tree. We weren't on speaking terms - the last time we attempted to talk it ended up with him crying and me feeling like shit. It was best to leave it.

I wish he knew I was sorry. I had been petty, mischievous, and untrue to someone who had always shown me his colours. I was battling my demons and problems, so I couldn't just love him openly as he wanted. It would probably cost me my life...and his.

The door opened out of nowhere and there he was. The fucker who would always put me in these situations. He closed the door behind him and walked casually to the table. He had in his hand a file - my file - and was reading it like a magazine. Gently, he placed the file on the table, setting my mugshot aside and continuing to read. This was a mental game. A way of him asserting dominance, telling me he had the upper and that I had nowhere to run.

I sat back on the chair, crossing my hands over my stomach. The tango was about to begin.

The detective fixed his tie and his ridiculous suspenders, before looking at me. He smiled. I wanted to punch him.

"Louis Tomlinson." He greeted me. I didn't answer back, but his smile was maintained. "Sorry to drag you out of your evening with the lads. Niall and Liam, right? How are they?" I didn't reply, he fucking knew how they were. The detective pulled out Liam and Niall's photos with me out of the file. "I heard Liam was hanging around Cheryl's house. Are they back together?" He was letting me know he knew everything about me and my friend's life. The detective turned another page and I saw a photo of the twins hanging out with their friends. "The twins look amazing, by the way. My daughter adores them - big-time fan." I didn't reply, even though I hated the thought of my sisters being watched by the intelligence unit. Then, he removed a picture of Harry walking down the street on his way to work. I recognized the clothes he was wearing. I had seen him this morning. "Harry seems better-"

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