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Earlier that day

The car parked in front of steps I had seen many times before. After my encounter with Gigi, we drove around town. The driver did park by Anne's house, but after pondering I changed my mind and gave him new directions.

I sat back, watching the houses and streets go by outside my window, while we made a route I knew well. I didn't have a phone, so I couldn't tell the depth of my actions or if Gigi had confirmed the statement I had given to the reporters standing outside of the hotel.

What if she came and disproved what I said? What if mentioned to me? What if she told about Harry?

My anxiety was at its peak.

My heart was rushing in my chest and I ached for something to calm me down. I tried the breathing exercises, but they made it worse. I tried focusing on something else, but all I couldn't think about were the worst possible scenario.

I asked the driver to stop by a liquor store and buy me a bottle of their finest whiskey. The driver gave me a side-eye but did as I commanded. Soon after, he returned with a bottle in hand.

I was still staring at that same bottle sitting on my lap. It was there unopened, with its bronze liquid calling me. It had a slick design, reminding a flask, big enough to fit inside my pocket.

When I was doing well, the first thing I'd do to break the progress I had made, would be to drink. Every time. With no missed steps. When my anxiety got too much and I needed to breathe again, I'd pick up a bottle and have fun. All the progress was destroyed.

"Sir?" The driver called. I looked at him. "We're here."

I looked out the window seeing those familiar steps, which showed me the entrance to the beautiful building. I gripped the bottle, then loosened it. I clenched my jaw too.

In the end, I pocketed the bottle close to my heart and proceeded to open the door. I asked the driver to wait for me and he obliged.

Looking at the building of the rehabilitation centre while no longer being a patient, was odd.

I walked the pathway to the stairs, remembering the first day I had climbed these same steps, still gripping tight with my addiction, and dying for a small dose to come up my nose.

I went up the steps easily now. I remembered how my joints ached. How my stomach revolted and how every nose seemed loud in my head. How I thought I was going to die from the pain, how I was hopeless, lost, destroyed.

I stood at the top, looking down. Back on that day, I had been out of breath, but now I was in complete control of my breathing. I looked up at the sky seeing the sun sinning in between the clouds and I exhaled loudly.

I rang the bell twice. A few seconds later a woman appeared on the other side wearing purple scrubs and a black wool jacket. At first, she seemed confused, but then she walked over to the door and opened it.

I recognized her as nurse Heart, the same woman who had welcomed me on the first day of my rehab.

"Zayn!" She let out, smiling at me. "How nice to see you. Please, do come in."

I never developed a close relationship with head nurse Heart. The woman rarely spent time with the patients.

The rumour was that she hated collaborating with us and was only there to provide minimal support, getting a fat paid check in the end. There was even a rumour she was the one behind the Annie's silence.

Overall, she wasn't well-liked. We never understood why a nurse with those many years of experience, would do little to no work with the in-house patients.

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