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(Moons pov)

I wake up in charge and in pain, why am I in pain- what the hell? I look up my eyes fading red to blue, I see music man looking at me worried.

"Moon are you alright?" he asks in a worried, frantic tone, "I think so-? my head hurts but I'm fine besides that," I say, "sun told me something was wrong then you started forcing your way through so I had to turn off the lights" he explains. so that's where the pain is coming from "strange I don't remember trying to force my way through..." music man looks at me much more worried than before "this has something to do with your virus... I remember when it first showed up... these kinds of things would happen to you and now they're happening again! you have to tell sun!" he says placing a hand on my shoulder, I look down "I know I have to tell him, but I haven't gotten a chance to, this thing has been messing with me all day!" I said  "all day..what was it like, describe it to me moony" he says I think a bit, "well it's painful..but you know that already, but besides that, it felt like I was battling myself. I couldn't talk all day because of how painful it was.." 

he looked at me wide-eyed  "oh moony... I'm so sorry I can't imagine what that must be like"

I shrug "it's alright. I'm perfectly fine! haven't lost my sanity yet" I chuckle "stop joking like that moon >:/ " he says

"anyway-" I, say ready to change the subject "We finally got the date when me and sun will get separated ill be in my own body isn't that exciting?" he smiles a bit and nods "I can't wait for that, but what if something happens because of your virus" I shrug "ill be alright, no need to worry I'm not going anywhere" he just looks at me" can I hug you moon," he asks. ima be honest I feel bad that he listens to all my crap, I always feel like I'm a burden on him, but he always reassures me that I'm not. I nod and he walks up to me and pulls me in a warm hug. "I love you.." I hear him whisper, I start overhearing and I can tell my face is red. I just stay quiet. I'm not one for words of affection and he knows that. but it's nice to hear, especially when I feel the same way, I love this man very very much I'm just not ready to say it yet. 

I calm down and just relax as he holds me "hey moon?" I hear him say "promise me that you'll tell sun tomorrow" I look up at him and nod "I promise I will." he smiles and lets me go "it's getting late you better go charge up before your battery dies, I'm sure sun won't be too thrilled with that" I chuckle "your right your right. alright then ill see you tomorrow music" he nods "good night moony," he says, I smile a bit "good night music" I walk over to the vent and climb in, I start making my way to the daycare, once I get there I walk over to the wire, attach it to my back and make my way up to the balcony. once I get up there I detach my wire from my back and walk into my room.

the lights are off the only light in the room is coming from glow-in-the-dark stars on the wall. i walk over to my charging station and plug us in, and fall asleep

(Woah that was a short one, well- if you add the last two chapters and this one together its practically one big chapter divided into 3 parts, I'll try to post every day- if I don't post tomorrow then expect two posts on Friday :]  anyway I have o go to bed because I have school tomorrow- so good night)

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