the risk

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(continuation of the last chapter by the way)

(music man POV)

I look around the daycare a bit more before finally deciding to call out for Well- WHO EVERS IN CHARGE- I don't know. "Sun!!, Moon!! it's me! music man!" I hear nothing but decide to wait a while before calling out to whoever may be in charge.

(Suns POV)

here I am, feeling the excruciatingly painful battle my brother is still fighting, I figured it last long but I didn't expect it to last this long!

suddenly I hear a faint yell coming from the daycare. who on earth could that be I think to myself, I mean who would be visiting the daycare this late, I might as well check it out. I unplug myself from the charging port and then walk out to the balcony, as I get to the balcony I hear another yell, this time I can hear it as clear as day "Sun? moon?! is anyone here?" then a big shock of pain hits. I regain my senses and look down at the far ground below me to see a figure walking around near a play structure getting closer to the ball pit. 

I decide to jump down and see for myself who is in the daycare after hours, as I land into the ball pit and swim out I see a very tall music man in from of me with a hand out for me to grab and pull myself out with. as I get out of the ball pit from the help of music man he looks at me with a small smile then in the corner of my eye I see something moving on his shoulder. I look over to see it's tambering! oh, how I love tambering they're so very sweet.

I put on a wide grin and look at both of them "Oh Ho!! Hello friends!! what brings you here!?"  I ask in my usual energetic voice, almost immediately another huge shock of pain hits my head like a metal baseball bat, I just wince. moons getting more aggressive now that music man is here im gonna have to make it quick I think to myself. I wonder if moon is ever going to fall asleep I mean he hasn't slept in 2 DAYS! well neither have I the pain was enough to keep me awake-.

"hey there sun I was worried about yall, how have yall been? I noticed moon hasn't been visiting recently is he okay?" he asks all at once in a confused yet caring tone. "Well thank you for worrying BUT everything is FINE! he's just exhausted and doesn't want to be around anyone!!" I say trying to make it as convincing as possible however horribly failing in the process.

Music man and tambering just look at me confused and at the same time say "you sure everything's okay?" I just nodded not wanting to sound any more suspicious than I already probably do. but hang on, this is an important person in moons life he deserves to know right? no matter how painful this conversation is going to be.

I look over at tambering with a smile "tambering sweetheart me and your brother have some grown-up talking to do ok, why don't you go play till were done hm?" he looks at me with his keyboard grin and nods then I speak up again "amazing thank you sunshine! if you need anything at all just yell for either one of us, we will be in my room upstairs so we'll hear you" he nods, jumps on music mans hand then music man brings him to the floor then the sound o quick metallic feet enters the room as tambering runs to explore the daycare and its activities  

take a big deep breath and take music man's hand leading him up the stairs to the balcony, as he follows behind me we finally make it to the main room, I open the curtain to my room and drag him in with me. "um sunny? whats-" I cut him off "music something is wrong, it's moon his virus is back, and it's much more aggressive this time around, I'm sure you remember the incidents with moons virus so to prevent that I sort of pushed him in the back- again" he looks at me with disappointment and with shock 

"so- let me get this straight. after promising that you wouldn't force him in the back a year ago, you just force him back now? I thought you knew how moon felt about that sun?" I sigh "I know in a way it's wrong, and yes I know how moon feels about it but I'm doing this for his own good, I don't want anyone getting hurt because of him!" as soon as I said that yet again another incredibly painful shock of pain hit me. 

"UGH!" I yell. god moons fighting like he wants me dead or something!

"sun! moons fighting right? can I do anything to help? maybe I can try talking to him?" I hear music man say. i grunt in pain "are you crazy!? what if he hurts you!" music man looks down at me "if it mean's helping the both of you then I'm willing to take that risk sun" I look up at him "god damn it! Fine! but hurry I cant keep fighting him! I feel like I'm going to explode!" he nods, walks over to my lightswitch and flips it downward to turn off the bright lights. 

I stop fighting

I drift away to the midscape, taking the appearance of moondrop


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