separation pt 2

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(Vanessa's POV) 

I power sun off and take a step back to see the others get to work, I watch as they cut existing wires, plug in new wires, and plug the body up to a computer. I hear them bicker, and make small arguments about something being put in the wrong place or something. then one of them calls out to me "Vanessa! can you check the computer to see if this moron did something wrong-"  then they get  interrupted 

"MORON!? I HAD TO RECOMBOBULATE THIS THING BECAUSE OF YOU PUTTING THINGS IN THE WRONG PLACE!" I sigh at their sibling bickering, the twins Blair and Blakney always had fights like this when working on something, but they're the best repair team Fazbear entertainment ever had. I walk over to the computer and see a BUNCH of coding lines, I just stare at the lines of code not knowing what they mean at all- "uhh- I don't know it looks fine to me" I shrug, then one of the twins pushes me out of the way and stares at the computer with a shocked expression on there face "part of moons coding.. its red" then the other twin walks up behind them and looks at the computer "Red?! how is that possible I thought moons lines were supposed to be blue!" 

and this is where I zone out due to all the smart people talking, it just hurts my brain. a few hours pass by and I'm interrupted by the lights shutting off followed by a loud crash. "What was that blair?" I ask "I don't know probably another lighting malfunction, nothing to worry about" then we are all startled by laughter coming from behind us "what the-?!" we all turn around to see moon standing tall in front of us with Glowing red eyes that show the wicked expression on his face. "moon? how did you power on? " I ask trying to power him off again but I get stopped in my attempt by being pushed to the floor by the tall animatronic "Moon!" I shout out "this is strictly against your programming!!" Blakney runs to me while holding their sister's hand, Blakney helps me up and we run out of the capsule, then blair gets out of her sibling's grip and runs to the panel and shuts the capsule closed, locking it in the process. 

blair then backs up from the panel and stares at a corrupted moon drop trying to escape, then she pulls out her computer that she was holding, she opens it, and looks back at the line of code in red "Blakney! come here!" she whisper yells to her sibling. blakney lets go of me and walks over to her and stares at the computer "wait- so we've taken out all of moons code right? hold up blair click on that red code for me" I walk closer to the two of them to see what there talking about, blair clicks on that line of code " it says that's moons code? but hes a naptime bot! why would he have such an aggressive code like that?!" blair asks "unless..." Blakney starts off "that's not a code... its a virus... a homicide virus" then it dawns on me 'the virus' 

"hold up Blakney, blair, the daycare attendants complained to me about some issues moon was having a while ago, saying how he unintentionally hurt a child and how moon would lose control of his anger a lot. they told me this and we did an investigation but we couldn't find anything" the twins stare at me in shock with their mouths wide open then Blakney speaks up "so this is the same virus... but this time it's showing itself...this killing code wants to be known"

"Vanessa" blair speaks up "where were we when this happened?" I think "this all happened when you two were fixing Montgomery gator after that kid practically decommissioned him"  they nod and Blakney takes the computer from their sister "so...what are we going to do about this code?"  they ask 

"I don't think there is anything we can do" I speak up, "I say we focus on one thing first, the separation. once we finish we should tell sun what's going on, besides no one will be in danger since the daycares closed." the twins nod, "alright how are we going to shut moon drop off?" blair asks, we sit in silence trying to come up with an idea for a while then finally one of us speaks up "ill shut him off," Blakney says "open the capsule"

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