Sun is done

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Vanessa's pov

Now a week has passed and the three of us think we have come to a solution about moon's virus, we had to move him to another room to work tho. we moved some wires, added some code, removed some code, we also had to mess with his memory a bit. But we may have hidden and or buried the virus deep into his system, safe to say we don't think the virus will be back.

Sun and moon were officially separated and now they were being powered on inside the capsule, I have to say we're we're all clearly nervous about powering on moon so we powered on sun first. It took a while but eventually the sun themed robot opened his eyes and frantically looked around the room
"Where's moon!? Where is he?! Is he ok?! What did you do to him?!"
"Sun relax okay moon is alright, he's just getting some upgrades still."

That seemed to calm him down so decided to explain some of his upgrades to him "okay sunny let me tell you about some of your upgrades. First things first you are sensitive to extremely dark rooms so it's safe to make your lights in the daycare dim that way both of you can walk around and not be in pain" he nodded and I decided to let him go

I unplugged him from the charger, and I took away the bindings that held his body to the work table.
I told him to stand up and he did
"Okay sunny your free to go, I'll send moon your way once there done working on him alright"
He nodded, I opened the door and he walked out.

Suns POV
I walk out of parts and services, and up the stairs, I was thinking of going to the daycare but I figured music man would want to know about how moon was doing, so I walked to the dj booth instead. I get to the dj booth but- he's no where to be found- "Dj?" I say out loud in attempt for him to hear me -no answer I open my mouth to speak then suddenly Dj walks out from behind the curtain "oh hello sundrop" he says calmly "hello Dj!" He looks at me for a while and a look if realization spreads on his face"Sun?! Where have you been?!? It's been a week since I last seen you guys is everything okay?!? Wait- did you get separated?" he yells- louder than me. I nod "oh sorry I guess no one told you that it may take a while to get us fully separated. But yea I have my own body now!-"
he cuts me off "is moon okay?! Where is he?" I giggle "officer Vanessa told me that he's okay, they just kept him to add some finishing touches and Finnish up there upgrading or- whatever they do" I shrug and Dj smiles a bit and just nods "well whenever he comes back tell him to come visits me? Please?" I smile and nod "I will Dj, tell your siblings I said hello?" He nods and i wave then make my way to the daycare


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