The talk between brothers

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(moons POV)

my side of the story hm? alright then

I take a deep breath

"So, you know I've had this virus for about I think a year now, and you know how it was claimed to have disappeared. however it never left, it's been getting stronger, and more powerful. your aware that the pain its caused me has recently gotten more and more painful, and now since its back sun wants to hide me away like he used to and when he did that the first time, the virus grew more powerful on its own. he's not saving anyone! he's just holding it off for a while!"

he looks at me with an empathetic smile "I know how much you hated feeling like you were alone. i know you hate being pushed to the back, I know.  but maybe if I tell sun how you feel, then maybe he can learn how to trust you more moon, I mean maybe you can come to some sort of agreement hm?" he asks. i look up at him thinking for a bit "yea... i guess, but with how stuck up he's being right now I don't think he'll listen much"

"well then" music man begins "you'll never know if you don't talk to him" I nod a bit and sigh " I guess"

"alright moony, do you mind If i talk to sun for a bit? maybe i can get him to listen? maybe i could get him to trust you a bit?" i just nod. and watch as he smiles a bit, and flips on the light. then i take the appearance of sundrop.

(Suns POV)

i wake up in charge of the body, having to had listened to everything they were talking about, i have a hunch as to what music may try talking to me about. 

"sun? did you hear anything?" he asks, i just nod as he speaks up again "well I'm sure you know what I'm going to say then" i nod again "i know you want me to trust him... but i cant. im too scared. i don't want anyone hurt." he sighs, walks up towards me and places a hand on my shoulder " i know... and its okay to be scared. but that's your brother, and i know you don't want to see him hurt or in pain right?" i stand there with a shocked expression "What- no! id never want that!!" i protest "well by pushing him in the back again and resisting him you are causing him pain." i stand speechless 

"your right... ill talk to him, you should go tho vannesas about to do her nightly rounds" he nods "alright sun, ill see you around" i wave and watch him leave my room, i walk out to the balcony to see him carrying tambering and walking out of the open gates, once i make sure they're gone i sit down on the edge thinking about how to start this conversation.

-"moon? are you there?"- i ask wondering if he'll want to talk to me or not

-"mhm"- moon

-" look im sorry, i had no idea that what i was doing affected you so much... i never meant to cause you pain and i didn't mean to push you away again, i should've been a better brother. i should've listened to you more... im sorry moon"- sun

-"i forgive you sunny, and im sorry to by trying to force my way out i also caused you pain  wich was not at all my intention, i just wanted control so badly! but i never meant to hurt you sun"- moon

-"its alright.. so i have an idea maybe we can work something out? there are no nap times in the daycare as of right now. they've been put on hold, but ill let you out whenever you want and just like normal ill try to take over if something happens"- sun

-"i agree thank you sun"- moon

-"of course brother!"- sun

after the conversation i go to my room, charge up, and fall asleep

(OMG BRO IT TOOK SO LONG TO END THIS SINGLE DAY IN SO MANY CHAPTERS!!!  so the next chapter will be a time skip to oct 15th btw)

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