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Vanessa's pov:
(A few hours pass) I move my hand to my forehead and wipe away the sweat that was lying there. "Alright we should be done right?. I mean everything looks nice" I say looking at Blair, she shrugs and nods "this is all the time fazbear will allow us with him this month so we have to be done, it sucks tho. We can't even check to see if he's alright." Just then blakeny speaks up "so what your saying is that if moons virus thingy isn't completely gone then he has to wait till next month to get checked again?!"

Blair nods "but no need to worry" she smiles. "What did you do?" Blakeny looks at their sister with an irritated look. Blair looks up at blakeny "I may have added two personalities that will hopefully overpower the virus-" she gets cut of by me and blakeny in sync "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?" blakeny speaks "Blair! Why did we even bother to do the separation if moon is still going to be stuck with random personalities?!?"

Blair rolls her eyes "they aren't random! And trust me it's better this way! in the next couple of months it'll be easier to remove them." I look at blakeny then back at Blair "should we power him on now then?" The twins look at each other and Blair nods. Blakeny walks over to the computer and hesitantly powers on moon, me and Blair stand guard ready to dodge any random attacks moon sends us.

But to our surprise there was nothing-
Moons eyes flicker open revealing a bright red color. I look at the twins "um guys his eyes are red-" Blair nods "that's going to be his eye color for a while. Once the personalities start to overpower his virus then he should be fully back to normal" she says. I just nod.

Blair walks over to moondrop and looks at him "moondrop it's me Blair, do you know where you are?" She asks him. Moon nods "parts and services right?" He says revealing a softer version of his deep voice.

"That's right, you've been fully separated from your brother, Sundrop. Before you ask. He's alright and he's waiting for you in the daycare right now, but before I let you go there are something's I want to go over with you about your upgrades alright?"she says. Moon nods and Blair looks at me and blakeny signaling us to leave her and moon alone for a bit, we take the sign and leave.

Moondrops pov:

I look at Blair awaiting for what she'd say next, but the news I received was something I never thought I'd ever hear-

"Moon your virus is one of the worst I've seen, to suppress that virus I added 2 different personality chips that will over time become the people they once belonged to, whom you know very well"

She looks at me with a serious look, I take a deep breath and look down awaiting the news

"Those chips belonged to your brothers..."

"Eclipse and lunar."


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