Chapter 9

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The trio had to figure out what they were gonna with the similar artifact that was found. "What are gonna do?" Katachi asks. "Don't know," Katsuki replied shortly. "Maybe we can take it to someone who knows about these crystals." She suggested. "That's a great idea. What do you think Bakugou?" Kirishima's question after hearing what Ikari had to say. "I guess if we have no choice of doing so." He spoke seriously. "Who should we go to?" Ikari asked. " There's only one person and one person only," Bakugou answered. "(Sigh) That damn Deku." He continued. "Oh, right. Should we go to him?" Kirishima asked. "His our only option, but I don't want my scale to travel that far, since she expecting." He told Kirirshima looking at Katachi and rubbing her stomach comforting her. "What, I'm ok I can go." She told him. "No, Scale I want you to stay home and rest. I know you want to come with us, but(exhaling)...) He spoke to her calmly holding her. " I care about babe. And I want you to be safe and to protect our hatchling you carrying." He explains to her. She looks at him, knowing that his right and that she should do what's best for her and the baby. "Ok, I'll stay." She spoke shortly. They walked towards the dorm where Katsuki and Katachi stay. Katsuki opens the door and lets her lie down carefully on the bed. "Were leaving now? So, please stay in our room ok." He commanded her to go to Midoriya's place as they left the room.

At Midoriya's Place

While Midoriya was busy reaching he heard a knock on the door.

Knock knock

He got up and walked to the door opening it. His surprised to see his childhood friend standing there with Kirishima. "Oh, hi Kacchan it's nice to see you again." He greeted rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Midoriya let them in closing the door behind them. "So, Kacchan why are you- umm...where did you find this Kacchan?" He questioned as his sentence got interrupted when Bakugou shoved one of the unknown artifacts in front of him.

He looks at it and then back at  Katsuki with a worried face. "What's with that face huh? Is there someone wrong?" Katsuki questions him tilting his head and raising his brow in irritation. "N-n-n-no there's nothing wrong I-I was wondering where you got this from Kacchan?" He replied questioning the man. "And why should I tell you? So that you can snoop around in my kingdom to do some stupid nerdy-ass research. Hell no I don't think so Deku." He replied walking closer to Midoriya pocking at him with his finger against his chest.  "A-a-a-alright Kacchan, I'll start since you are interested in knowing," he spoke as he walks to his research desk putting or down carefully. "Good, this dumbass and I  will be leaving now. How much time do you need anyway, huh dumbass?" he asks him pulling Kirishima by his scarf towards him. "Woah, Woah bro calm down. I can walk you know." Eijiro commented as he got pulled. "Give me like a week Kacchan, then I'll be able to tell you. (hears the door closing)" He spoke as he heard the door being slammed. *"Damn it Kacchan"* he thought. Flying back to their kingdom, they do not want to waste any time since they know that Katachi is waiting for them to come home.

At Katsuki's Kingdom

Katachi was waiting for Kirishima and Bakugou to come home. She's sitting on the bed with her hand on her stomach. *"Damn it's starting to get late where are they."* She thought worrying about them. She sighs looking down at her stomach and rubbing it. "Hey, little one daddy seems to be taking longer. I don't know about you, but mommy can't wait any longer, " she spoke, rubbing her stomach. It wasn't long until footsteps and faint voices could be heard from down the hallway. Ikari looks up towards the door hearing the footsteps getting closer. The door opens revealing the two men closing the door behind them. "We're back," Katsuki spoke looking at his wife sitting on the bed and walking towards her. "Took you long enough," she told them. "Tsk, it's not my fault that that damn Deku took his time and we have to wait for the results," Katsuki explains to her as he walks to her. She got up slowly walking towards him. "How are you  feeling babe?" Katsuki asks her.  "I'm ok," she replies shortly looking at him. "Oi, don't give me that look." He told her sitting down next to her. "Why not? Is there something wrong?" She questioned. Kirishima walks closer to them keeping an eye on Katachi actions. "Well speaking of waiting how long did Midoriya say we have to wait until the results will be in?" Kiri asks curiously.
"A week" Katsuki replied looking at Eijiro then back at his wife who was still sitting on the bed making herself comfortable.

Somewhere else

It wasn't long for them to reach this place, but they knew that's were they would find her. Their only daughter who was also one of the survivors of the attack on Sapphire island a place well known to every creature in this world even the humans knew. But what doesn't make sense is who or what made war and vanished into thin air when almost 75% of the population was destroyed...

Word count:  933

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Xoxo - bye my lovies❤

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