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Jin-Woo wasn't the type of person to be surprised by much, but honestly, this was one of the weirdest things he'd ever seen up until now. 

Bellion, do you have any idea what happened?” 

The outwardly stoic giant didn't say anything at first, contemplating. He looked down at his king, head bowed low as he spoke, “I believe we were thrown off course when the Iron Body Monarch hit us with that last blow between dimensions.” 

Jin-Woo sighed heavily; it was as he had suspected. But now the problem was how to get back to his dimension. Or at least figuring out which dimension he landed in. 

All shadows, scout this world out and come back. Tell me what you find. Igris, Bellion, you two stay with me. Beru, you look for Jin-Ah and my mother. If you find them, protect them but don't let them see you. We don't know what kind of world this is.” 

As they dispersed to obey his orders, Jin-Woo examined his person. 

“I still look like a child, so I'll have to fix that somehow. At least until I've figured out if there's an alternate version of my family here,” he muttered as he paced around. 

My liege,” Igris's deep, raspy voice called. “The scouts have found something that they think you should handle yourself.” 

Jin-Woo turned to see what his third strongest shadow was talking about. 

One of them stepped forward with a ring that, to Jin-Woo's eyes, was leaking a dark, gooey substance. Reaching forward, Jin-Woo hummed in thought as he rubbed the gooey substance between his index and thumb. 

“It feels sort of like magic, but magic doesn't normally have a physical form; not on its own, at least.” Jin-Woo looked to his shadows for a reaction. “Right?” 

Not in our dimension,” Bellion's bass voice rumbled. “But this may be what magic looks like in this dimension, my king.” 

Jin-Woo said nothing more as he picked up the ring to look closer, not seeing many clues that could help him figure out why the magic in this world was so… goopy. 

Maybe slimy would be a better term, he thought to himself. Then it hit Jin-Woo. 

“Oh, this might be a cursed item.” He crushed the ring swiftly, not bothering to investigate it any further. “That's probably what curse magic looks like here, to us. We'll have to test this later with someone obviously non-magical.” 

Once all his scouts had returned, and Beru came back with the news of no such Jin-Ah or Park Kyung-He, or even a Sung Il-Hwan existing currently, Jin-Woo decided to find the nearest city or town and make a plan from there. 

Luckily, being the Shadow Monarch means I've gained omnilingualism. His plans for getting back to his original dimension would take a lot longer if he wasn't omnilingual and ended up somewhere that spoke something other than Korean or Japanese. 


Hogwarts Castle was more than just magic-embedded walls and floors. It was originally a building made of literal magic from its four founders, which eventually evolved and grew into its own magic, with its own magical signature. It was so powerful that it could sense the magic of the country around it, which was part of how it managed to find its newest students until the 20th century. 

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