(been an addict for the blood flow) bitches better run home

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“Any questions so far, children?” 

Blaise raised a hand, while Draco seemed to concentrate a bit longer on his thoughts. 

“Yes, Blaise?” Beru clasped both sets of arms behind his back like he usually did. 

“So basically, what you’re telling us is to lean into our turns and use our gathered speed to turn instead of gaining speed while we turn?” Beru nodded. “So why not just tell us that instead of all the big words?” 

“Because you will not understand why to do it, what it really does or how it helps. You will just know that it does something that makes your flights easier. That is not teaching, that is instructing. These are lessons, not orders.” 

Draco raised his hand next. “Does it really only take that little bit of movement and timing to make your turns sharper?” 

“Would you like to see it for yourself?” 

“Yes!” They cheered. 

“Then excuse me while I retrieve the brooms.” In a flash, Beru had sunk down into the dark ground without a trace, only to remerge with two of the brooms created by Jin-Woo. 

“We will be starting slowly because you two do not have the experience or skill necessary for incredibly dangerous manoeuvres like the ones I performed earlier. That is okay because we will work our way to that point. Patience is another skill needed for the sport you intend to play. Now, mount your brooms.” They did as told, both a little nervous. 

“Now, follow behind me for a couple of laps so you can practice the techniques we just discussed, but do not push yourself to keep pace with me. I will slow down if needed. Understood?” 

“Yes.” Draco took a deep breath, trying to relieve some of the tension in his body. 

“Got it.” Blaise rolled his shoulders a few times as he readjusted his position on his broom. 

They rose in the air along with Beru, who took his time turning and twisting in the air around the branches surrounding them, allowing the boys to practice and get comfortable with the movements. It was difficult at first, trying to translate the words and theories into actual physical movement, but it became easy enough to do by the third circuit. Beru figured it was a good time to try it a bit faster, but was mindful of the difference in the definition of ‘faster’ between himself and the two mortals. 

“Now, how do you two feel about picking up the speed a bit?” 

“Uhm,” Blaise looked at his best friend, unsure about the idea. Draco looked back, equally unsure. “How much faster?” 

“Not too much, it would be incredibly irresponsible of me to push your speed too high at this point, because you two are still novices at this. My master would absolutely send me into eternal sleep if I did something that resulted in you boys being injured, as he should.” 

“He’d kill you if we got hurt? Isn’t that… a bit harsh?” Blaise muttered the last few words, not wanting to seem ungrateful for the older boy’s care. 

“Not at all. As a General of His Majesty’s Army, I am more powerful than most of His Majesty’s soldiers, therefore my King trusts me with more responsibility, and expects me to perform at peak perfection every single time. If I cannot do as expected, I do not deserve a place among the General Ranks.” Beru would rather die than bear the shame of being demoted, but he felt that sentiment would not be well understood by the human children.

stop pissing me off (i can play god and cut off your oxygen)Where stories live. Discover now