let bygones be bygones (bitch i'm an icon)

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Shopping once the finances were taken care of was uneventful, for the most part. 

Thankfully, most shops sold pre-packaged sets for students, so he managed to get his books, potion supplies, stationary and clothing without searching through each store on his own. It was incredibly convenient, because Jin-Woo couldn’t be bothered to spend more than five minutes in a store at such a late hour for a number of reasons. The most important reason was he had to get back before Lady Olive did her nightly rounds of checking each child's room at 10 PM. 

The young-looking god looked around the Alley, wondering if he should get a pet like the paper said he could. 

Your Majesty, came Igris’s voice through the mental link he had with all his shadows. You should get a pet. It seems very common for young wizards of this world to own a pet owl, toad or cat. It should help you further your goal of blending into this world more seamlessly. 

It’s not fair to purchase and take care of a pet when I’m not going to stay here permanently. I would consider it if I knew for sure my pet would survive the cross-dimensional travels, but until I know animals of this world can, then I’ll think about it. For now, I will wait. 

Your wisdom grows with each minute, my liege, Igris complimented. What is your next move? 

I’ve gotten the basic supplies, but I saw another alley down that way. I plan to check that out after I get a wand. 

Jin-Woo really didn’t want to get a wand, purely because his magic had never required any sort of tool to channel his mana, so he found the idea of wasting his time and money on buying something he most likely won’t use unless he’s in the presence of other people very inconvenient. 

This world is so odd. Jin-Woo sighed internally as he walked towards the store called Ollivander’s, the wand shop he was told by other storeowners crafted and sold the best wands in Europe. 

Ollivander’s was dark, lit only by a single lamp from what he could see, and some of the boxes looked like they’d been dipped and rolled in dust and cobwebs. To say the Shadow Monarch was unimpressed and a bit sceptical was a bit of an understatement. 

“Ah, a late night customer, how very odd…” A hunch-backed man emerged from around the corner, his blank, glassy eyes intensely focused on Jin-Woo with a mysterious smile on his face. “Looking for your wand?” 

Jin-Woo nodded. 

“Well, like I tell all my new customers, the wand chooses the wizard instead of the other way around,” the man Jin-Woo assumed was Mr. Ollivander himself said softly, looking around at the long rectangular boxes stacked high around him. 

“Will that take long?” He really hoped it wouldn’t, otherwise he would’ve bought this first thing next morning instead of saving it for last. 

“It depends on the customer,” the old wizard replied, moving to look through another stack. “It can take as little as five minutes, and up to an hour, maybe longer.” 

“Then I will be back tomorrow.” The deceptively young-looking Monarch turned back to the door. 

“Are you sure?” Mr. Ollivander had never come across a new Hogwarts student that didn’t immediately want to get their wand, finding the young boy’s impatience a surprise. 

stop pissing me off (i can play god and cut off your oxygen)Where stories live. Discover now