you wanna kill me get in line (lil' pussy)

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Glowing purple eyes read the letter in the darkness, the words putting an amused smile on his face. “So the wraith found Lucius, hm? Maybe I should pay them a visit.” 

My liege, you must punish that insolent spirit for the way he spoke to you last time, Bellion rumbled from the Shadow Realm. His contempt must not go without correction.  

“He is just a deeply insecure man who thinks he’s cheated death when he’s only cheated himself, Bellion. You and I, along with all the other shadows, know there is no cheating death, only prolonging it. He has only made himself akin to a cockroach, in that he is only harder to kill in one shot. That existence is punishment enough, I think.” Jin-Woo truly wasn’t bothered by Voldemort—aka Tom Riddle, if Dumbledore was telling the truth about the deranged man’s pre-Dark Lord days (Jin-Woo always took whatever that long-beared narcissist said with a grain of salt)—and whatever convoluted schemes he cooked up with his merry band of Death Eaters. Not right now, at least. 

But You Grace! He dare insinuate that he was better than you! It is lies and slander upon your good name! Beru cried, indignant and appalled. 

“You know I don’t care what other people have to say about me, Beru. Besides, I have more important things to do, like hunting with the thestrals again. They’re getting antsy.” 

And one more week of that stupid detention, he remembered sullenly. The only good to come of it is I now know where everything is during Potions.  

“So much to do this week… I don’t remember school being so tedious the first time around.” Jin-Woo looked back down at the letter. Lucius’s neat calligraphy filled the parchment, the words sounding rushed as if he were writing under the pressure of time. 


You have gotten under The Dark Lord’s skin and now he will either force you to his side or eliminate you altogether. 

Why must you make trouble for me every chance you get? 

He knows you and I know each other but he has yet to find out Draco is under your protection. Narcissa will be furious if I let anything happen to our son, even if it is at The Dark Lord’s hand. 

If I can convince you to join his side, that would kill three birds with one stone. Think about it. I have no time for our roundabout games. 

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy  

“Yes, I think a visit is in order.” 

The ancient being hidden in the form of a teenage boy stood, tossing the message into the fire before donning a hooded cloak. He sent his shadows forth, awaiting their intel. When the location was found only minutes later, he chuckled. 

“The shadows bypassing several layers of protection spells put up to prevent someone from being found will always get a giggle out of me.” 

Jin-Woo sunk into the inky darkness pooled below him. 


It seemed like every time Severus saw the Headmaster lately, he aged several decades since the last time the Potions Master saw him. 

stop pissing me off (i can play god and cut off your oxygen)Where stories live. Discover now