(bitch i feel bulletproof, fuck a casket) knife in a gunfight bitch i'm stabbin'

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The pair entered the door to see the Headmaster sitting at his desk, looking at some papers.

“Good morning, Jin-Woo!” Dumbledore greeted cheerfully. “Chocolate Frog?”

“No thank you, Headmaster. You wanted to speak to me?” Jin-Woo took his seat at a relaxed pace.

“Ah yes.” Dumbledore leaned back in his seat, stroking his long silver beard. “See, my boy, I had a numerous amount of students report to me directly about you.”

“Oh? Would it have anything to do with me putting a stop to their asinine ideas of ‘justice’ through spell experimentation?” Jin-Woo crossed his arms disapprovingly, but Dumbledore and Snape couldn’t tell whether he was disapproving of whatever ‘justice’ the other students planned, or of the Headmaster for preparing to reprimand him for his actions.

“So you’re aware of why I asked you to come to see me in my office. Perfect! I would first like to ask why you decided to take matters into your own hands rather than rely on your Head of House to take care of it as that is their job.”

“Simple,” Jin-Woo replied. “I like to take care of matters on my own if I can help it.”

Snape had to admire the boy’s gumption. Unlike other students he’d seen be called to the Headmaster’s office, Jin-Woo had no excessive reverence for the proclaimed ‘strongest wizard in the world’, nor any fear of whatever punishment the Headmaster may give him.

“My boy…” Dumbledore’s disapproving tone was hard to miss.

“Did the students tell you why I put them in their places?” Jin-Woo asked, his head tilting to the side. His tone, although not outright disrespectful, was a touch patronising, making Dumbledore bristle ever so slightly. “Because if not, I will. Most of them, Gryffindor students and Hufflepuff students especially, had planned to gang up on any group of First Year Slytherins that they came across and attack them with hexes, jinxes and other spells meant to inconvenience someone as punishment for, essentially, being Slytherin. Tell me, Dumbledore, was that what you meant when you preached about Inter-House Unity every Sorting Feast?”

Dumbledore blinked. If he didn’t already know that Legilimency wouldn’t work on this boy (for reasons he’d yet to discern but was no less suspicious of), he would’ve already peered into his memories to verify his words. Since that route was not effective, he’d have to resort to careful interrogation. This young man was incredibly smart and equally shrewd, so he had to be extra subtle.

“Of course not!” The old wizard exclaimed. “Just for clarification, you overheard these students planning and decided testing spells on them was an appropriate response? What did you mean by testing spells?” Dumbledore needed more information before he could proceed.

“I tested how effective spells I’d recently learned were when not used for their intended purposes.” When Jin-Woo didn’t elaborate any further, both Snape and Dumbledore frowned.

“May you elaborate on which spells you used?” Snape leaned closer, wanting to know as well.

“Spell,” the Asian boy corrected. “I had planned to use multiple but I ended up only testing one since most of the students who planned this were Second Years. That summoning charm is quite useful in a fight.”

“I assume you summoned the other students to you in order to distract them from a physical attack?” He remembered seeing some of the students reporting Jin-Woo sporting sizeable bruises and small cuts.

“Yeah. Like I said, quite useful. Verbal spellcasting is quite annoying, so they probably don’t know I used that spell.” Snape withheld his surprise. Nonverbal spellcasting usually indicated someone with impressive magical prowess and higher than average mana reserves.

stop pissing me off (i can play god and cut off your oxygen)Where stories live. Discover now