to bend them rules (bitch I'm booted up)

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“So what were your questions?” The two young lions look at each other then at Jin-Woo.

“Well, I don’t know ‘bout ‘Mione, but I was wondering if you were going to use the same three shadows every lesson, for starters. Also, are you just going to teach us physical combat?” Harry couldn’t lie, he was excited to see what other types of combat Jin-Woo could teach them, especially after seeing it was possible to fight without magic and hold your own against a powerful shadow wizard such as Fang.

“I had a few questions about the types of combat as well,” Hermione added. “First and foremost, if we are going to stick to physical combat, will we get our own weapons? Will we have to pick them or make them? If we’re going to pick them, where are we going to find them? I doubt adults are going to sell weapons to kids. And if we’re not going to stick just to physical combat, will we still be able to pick our own weapons because I’ve already narrowed my extensive list down and I’d hate to do all that work for no reason.”

Somehow, she’d managed to ask all those questions in one breath, stunning the twins, who’d never hung around Hermione long enough to witness how much she could talk in one sitting (but they were impressed, the girl’s lung capacity could put a mandrake’s or banshee’s to shame).

Jin-Woo took it in stride, used to his sister’s chatterbox tendencies, and answered her questions one by one.

“No, we’re not, I planned on covering as many types of combat as possible in the time we have; I expect you both to figure out what kind of weapon you prefer as we move along our lessons. I’d like to see the list you came up with, but I can’t guarantee you’ll find a weapon that fits you on your list since what you expect isn’t always what you end up with. Along those lines, if you want to try your hand at making your own weapon, be my guest. I prefer sticking to my craft, which is using weapons not making them but I won’t stop you if that’s what you want to do. I have a few places to procure weapons from, so don’t worry about that.”

Then he turned to Harry.

“As for your question, no; I have several other shadows I’ll introduce during training, which will include Bellion, who you just met. Magical combat, mixed combat, purely physical combat, mental combat and psychological combat are the main ones we’re going to cover. Strategy as well. We’ll go over using bladed weapons, projectile weapons, long-range, melee, shields… pretty much everything I have available. I want to make sure you guys can protect yourselves.”

“Ok suddenly I’m very seriously considering taking your classes,” Valliope mumbled, feeling a bit silly being jealous of First Years. “This sounds really cool.”

“Yeah mate, fancy making room for three more?” George asked, leaning forward to look at Jin-Woo.

George wasn’t really one to get scrappy but until the war was over, it couldn’t hurt to be prepared for anything. Pranks wouldn’t be much help in the face of Dark curses and Unforgiveables, after all.

The Monarch thought about it deeply, contemplating how he’d make it all work. Unlike Harry and Hermione, his fellow Third Years could cast more spells with more power behind them, so he could have Fang teach them more of his more complex spells while his other mage shadows could work with the two First Years until their magical cores were larger and more stable.

They could all learn combat together and then I can separate them into two groups easily, teaching them at the appropriate levels… And I could use Jima and the dragons to teach them complex elemental magic as they get to that level of proficiency. And maybe I could even test a few things out with them, like whether or not they also see the oily goo that Cursed items produce as I can. Then another thought struck. I could also ask Valliope, George and Fred about the war, like the relationship between the Ministry, Hogwarts and Dumbledore. And wizarding culture, because even after three years here, I still don’t understand a lot about the magical community of this world. Yes, this will be very beneficial. 

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