Black Hat (Ashton Irwin Imagine)
"No. Nope. Ew. No. No. Why did I buy this? No. This isn't even mine. Nope," I tossed various clothing items onto the floor of my bedroom. Dressed in a long, loose white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket, something was missing. I pushed aside some boxes underneath my bed, uncovering a bin that held several hats. Picking up a black, brimmed hat I put it on, brushing my hair out of my face. "Cute," I shrugged, looking at my reflection. Wait... This was Ashton's hat.
"Keep it on," I urged, brushing Ashton's curls out of his eyes. "You like it?" Ashton smiled down at me, his hands finding my waist. Nodding, I stood up on my tip toes and pressed my lips against his. "It makes you look very posh," I complimented. "Hmm, I'll take the compliment," Ashton giggled.
I really fancied him in that hat. It fit him quite well, and he could pull it off. He must have left it here when he moved out. I chewed my bottom lip, turning the hat over in my hands. Waves of emotion crashed over me as I remembered that night.
"I can't do this anymore," I gestured between me and Ashton. "Okay, then just end it. See if I care. Obviously we are no good for each other and we'd be happier if we were apart," Ashton raised his voice. "Fine, you want this to be over then it's over. I'm tired of fighting a one sided battle with you. It's like you don't care anymore," my voice cracked and tears filled my eyes. I tore my gaze away from Ashton's face and looked at the floor. "I do care, Y/N. I do. But we can never agree on anything and all we do is argue. It's not healthy. I need space," Ashton's voice lowered until it was barely audible. I lifted my chin up, looking at him. Swallowing hard, I spoke, "Okay. You want space. You can have space. Just don't expect me to still be here when you decide you want a relationship again. I want your shit gone tomorrow morning."
Ashton never did come back. I left for work the next morning and when I came home all of his things were gone. After crying myself to sleep for a week, I fell into a monotonous routine. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Shower. Sleep. Get up. Repeat. Life was so boring and quiet without Ashton. It had been roughly six months since our breakup and I still got waves of missing him. But they were no where near as strong as they used to be. I guess I just missed what we had. The good and the bad.
"Put me down, Ash!" I squealed as he threw me over his should and spun me around the flat. "We got number one baby!" Ashton cheered, finally setting me down. "Yay! I told you you would," I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.
"Just please clean up your shit for once, Ash. I get that you're a famous rock star but I'm not your fucking maid," I stomped up the stairs to our bedroom. Not even fifteen minutes later, Ashton opened the bedroom door quietly and the bed shifted under his weight. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pressed kisses onto my neck. "I'm sorry, baby. You're not my maid, I know. You're my super fucking beautiful girlfriend and I should help out more. So I cleaned up down stairs and ordered pizza because even though I can clean, I can't cook for shit," Ashton mumbled into my ear. I couldn't fight the smile on my lips and I turned over to give him a hard, passionate kiss.
Shaking my head, I put the hat on. "I've moved on," I whispered to myself in the mirror, grabbing my bag and heading for the door.
"I miss your fedora," a fan sighed as I handed her phone back to her. I laughed, "Yeah. I guess I haven't worn it in a while. I think I lost it." "Awe, it was my favorite, but I like the bandanas too," she smiled. "Thanks love," I smiled and gave her one last hug before saying good bye. Thinking back, I couldn't remember the last time I wore that hat. Since Y/N and I broke up, probably. Y/N. I sighed internally. God, I missed her like crazy. She liked my fedora too. Always complimented me when I wore it.
"Wear the black hat," Y/N said from her perch on the bed. I was getting ready for the Brit Awards and I needed something to finish off the outfit. She tossed it to me and I caught it, placing it on my head. "Hot," she smirked, standing up from the bed. "Really?" I raised my eyebrows. She nodded, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Have fun tonight," she kissed me, "Just remember I'll be here...waiting for you to get back." Y/N winked at me, before turning away.
I remembered everything about that night. She had gotten me all hot and bothered before the Brits and I couldn't wait to get home. And when I did, she was ready for me. What I wouldn't do to have her again.
I held onto my- Ashton's hat- as I crossed the street and the wind blew my hair. I glanced down the street. There weren't many people out, considering it was a Tuesday morning. Holy fuck. A tall boy, with a bandana holding his curls off his face caught my eye. No way. I ducked into the coffee shop, my heart beating out of my chest. It had been a long time since I had seen him, but I still wasn't ready for it. The bell dinged behind me and I could tell he had walked in. Not only by the gasp of several teenage girls in the corner, but I could smell his cologne. I wanted to faint. Ashton coughed behind me and I rolled my eyes involuntarily. "Hi Ashton," I bit my bottom lip nervously as I turned around. "Hey," Ashton gave me a warm smile which I weakly returned. I stepped up to the counter and placed my order. "Is that all?" the lady asked. "Uh-" I paused for half a second when Ashton spoke up, "One tall green tea as well." "Excuse you," I looked at him. He placed his hand at the small of my back, pulling out his wallet and paying. "Ash," I mumbled. "I like that hat on you, by the way. Looks better than it ever did on me," he ignored my protest. "That's not true," I argued automatically and I mentally cursed myself. "I thought I lost it," Ashton commented, handing me my coffee. "Oh, uh, I actually just found it under my bed this morning," I admitted, taking my coffee and turning to go, "Well, um thanks for the coffee, I guess. I'll see you around." "Wait," Ashton stopped me. Shit. Here it comes. "I know this is probably too late and you've probably moved on, as you should have. But, I-fuck-I miss you. I miss us. And I know I'm probably crazy for thinking I can just have you back because you told me not to expect you to be there when I wanted a relationship again. I guess I'm just holding on to this tiny piece of hope that you still feel the same about me. And maybe it's fate that I ran into you today, wearing that hat. I can't help but think about all the memories we had together when I see you and I want to have that again. If you want to," Ashton let it all out. "On one condition," I stated. "Yeah?" Ashton looked hopeful. "I get to keep this black hat," I grinned. "Like I said, you look better in that hat than I ever did," Ashton smiled. "So I get to keep it?" I asked, hopefully. Ashton wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him, "Yes, baby, you get to keep the black hat."

5SoS Preferences
FanfictionIm writing preferences/imagines for 5sos, thanks to my best friend (MichaelaIrwin) I am now OBSESSED with them aussie boys! I take requests!! And I use some imagines from tumblr that Im not taking credit for, but credit for the very talented writers...