Michael: "Okay guy's, today's video we are doing Guess the Body Part! I will be joined by Michael!" you said poking his cheek and him smiling squinting his eyes really tight "Im really excited." Michael smirked winking at you "im just gonna cut this part out..."
Luke: "Hiya guys, today me and Luke will be touching each other...yay" you said looking at Luke and laughing "Yay..." he repeated "Ok, first body part is..." you say putting the blind-fold over his eyes and slowly pulling up your top
Ashton: You held put your hand for Ashton to grab as he glided your hand over somthing hard, quickly pulling your hand back "Ashton! You did not jus tdo that!" You squealed "Not I didnt take off the blind-fold." He said as you slowly took it off you saw that it was just his bicep, and you were kind of disappointed
Calum: While you where blind folded Calum pulled out his lincoln log and storked it across your cheek "I thot I wuz supposed to be touching yew?" You said slapping it away and cackling like the hyena you were
Im sorry for that last one...I couldnt think of anymore and OMG YOU GUYS THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 3K READS IM YODDLING
5SoS Preferences
FanficIm writing preferences/imagines for 5sos, thanks to my best friend (MichaelaIrwin) I am now OBSESSED with them aussie boys! I take requests!! And I use some imagines from tumblr that Im not taking credit for, but credit for the very talented writers...