Chapter 1 - The void

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Aira POV:

Darkness... Everything around me is colored in black without any light in sight. Only some strange purple fragments can be seen floating around. I can't even see myself. Do i still have a body? How did i even end up here? Am i actually alive? Is it just a dark dream? And if that's the case, when will i finally wake up from it?

All these questions started going through my brain and after what felt like hours i am still in the same empty light purple space as before. I tried speaking to myself but when i tried... Nothing. It really does seem like i am just here without anything. Now you may ask, how can i be so calm about all of this? The answer is, i don't know. I'm not really feeling anything at all. Not that i am complaining, i would have totally freaked out by now under normal circumstances but how long do i have to stay here? It is hard to tell just how many hours, if not days, i have spent in utter darkness.

???: "Intriguing, i have never seen someone come to this place. The dead usually prefer going to either heaven or hell but do not get me wrong, i am not complaining having some company since it's just me by myself in this place."

This would be usually the point where i would freak out. Where did this deep voice come from all of a sudden? Who even is this and what does he mean this place? Am i really dead as he said? My brain went into overdrive. If i could hyperventilate then i would be on the ground by now, huffing and puffing having a mental breakdown but since i'm emotionless i can't do much but listen to him.

???: "Calm down, I am not here to hurt you. To answer your questions, yes you are indeed dead and this place? Hmm, unfortunately i cannot answer you this one. Let's just say... it's complicated."

Wait, did he just read my mind? I can literally not speak you know!

???: "Yes, yes i can read your mind but that is not important right now. What's important is that you are currently dead and you are not supposed to be here. As much as i want you to stay i will get into big trouble if the others see you in here so let's make a deal shall we?"

A deal? Wait, who are the others he speaks of? Are we talking about some higher power or something? God perhaps? Ah damn it! The longer he talks the more questions come up. Alright fine, let's hear what this "deal" is all about.

???: "Trust me, you don't want to know. And even if i told you, you would not be able to comprehend it. Now back to the main topic. How about i reincarnate you into another world with one wish of your choosing? I don't want to get into trouble and the fastest way for me to get rid of you is through the reincarnation process. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

That sounds rather promising. I mean i have nothing left in my old world anyways so a fresh start might be good and if i have a wish i can be anything but a human. All my life i hated humans. They disgust me. They are the reason for our planets extinction with their stupid wars and foolish actions. Aiming to create a world of wealth and happiness by destroying it in the process... the irony. I can't stand being one of them any longer so i'll become their greatest nightmare and I know just the way to bring them the despair and horror they deserve.

???: "You are a rather interesting individual aren't you? So much hatred and disgust, i can feel it boiling inside you but what do i know, i never lived as a human in the first place so go ahead and tell me your wish or rather think about it since you can't speak. I can transform you into anything you'd like so choose wisely."

If i am really going to do this i need to become my own master and i will need a loyal army who share my interest in eradicating humans as well as the outmost loyalty. I don't want to be bothered by pesky sympathy so i think i know what i want.

I want to become a Zerg but not just any Zerg. A leader, a conqueror, a horror to mankind. Turn me into a Broodmother! As the queen of my very own swarm! My name will be Zyra and this new world shall fall before the might of the swarm!

???: "Hahaha, how amusing. Very well i shall grant you your wish and as a little bonus i'm going to tell you a little extra info as well. The world you will be sent to is called Krupia. It is a world of sword and magic as well as many different kinds of species. You may come to enjoy crushing more than just humanity but it is your decision to make in the end. With that being said, i shall now sent you off into your new life. Good luck."

All of a sudden the once so empty and dark void got illuminated by a brilliant light and i passed out into darkness once more.

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