Chapter 5 - Evolution Master

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Timeskip - 1 Month

Zyra POV:

1 Month has passed since my brood and i set foot in this god forsaken place called the Deadlands and we made sure to create a place to our liking here. Aside from all the "Earthworms" as i would like to call them, it's actually quite the habital place for us, that is if you consider the fact that we as Zerg can pretty much live wherever we want since we are masters at adaption. You see, we were quite busy these past few weeks from collecting tons of biomass from worms, creating hatcheries which we got from consuming said worms over exploring our new territory. Yes, we can finally call this place ours but we are not completely done yet, since not all of this wasteland is covered in creep but we are getting there.

Thanks to the hatcheries which only needed the tunneling capabilities of the Earthworms (Essence) i was able to speed up our population process by a ton. Hatcheries perform three vital functions that no major colony can survive without:

Producing the creep which most zerg structures require in order to be built, giving birth to larvae that can mutate into the various zerg breeds and digesting organisms to change into a nutrient form that zerg can use to feed their mutations. Hatcheries also serve as the central point from which genetic information is distributed to drones and larvae.

Why am i telling you all of this? Simple, so you can understand what kind of a huge improvement these hatcheries are for me! I no longer require to consume every living being to create more biomass since the hatcheries can do that job now much faster and more efficient than i ever could. In addition, i can now just order them to create more units for me whenever i feel like it thanks to the larvae production so no more laying eggs for me.

I got more free time now since everything is pretty much running on autopilot. The Zerglings are hunting anything that moves, the drones collect said dead creatures and bring them to the hive,  the hatcheries create more units out of them and the creep is nurturing my armies. Quite neat if i say so myself.

You might be thinking now, Zyra, are you not kinda unneeded now? What are you going to do next? That is an easy question to answer. I am currently in the dephts of a mineral cave which i discovered by following the trail of worms we hunted. I noticed that they come from a certain direction every time they decide to attack and lately the attack waves became more and more in number, meaning someone with intelligence must be either controlling or leading them.

However i am not alone down here otherwise i would be stupid. I'm not going into the hornets nest without a force to guard and protect me. I am accompanied by around 80 Zerglings, all ready to rip and tear and to die for their Queen.

After hours of exploring and admiring the beautiful glowing crystals that grow here we finally came to the end of the cave. Dozents of little worms were wiggling on the ground with some cracked eggs still present. This must be the lair of the worms so the question now is, where is their leader? Where is their queen?

My Question was answered when something with a mix of a worm and centipede came out of a side cave into the hatching area so no more searching for me. It was almost purely white with an orange glow at small openings and had no face whatsoever, only a big mouth with some strange antlers. It also got multiple talons as arms and from the screech it just produced i am guessing it is quite angry with us stepping into it's lair.

 It also got multiple talons as arms and from the screech it just produced i am guessing it is quite angry with us stepping into it's lair

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