Chapter 8 - Zerg Swarm Development

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Timeskip - 3 days

Zyra POV:

It has been a couple of days since our little "expedition" to the dwarven realm and so far we have gotten no aggressive responses whatsoever. Our territory keeps expanding nonstop in the direction of the dwarven kingdom and if we keep it up, we will be reaching the newly aquired dwarven fortress in about a days time via the currently existing tunnels in the mountains.

Not only does this give us quick access to reinforcements, it also provides us with all the valuable materials, crystals and ores the mountain has to offer, including the spoils of our victory from before.

The fortress has already been infested with creep to the brim with the help of our nydus worms and some creep tumors provided by little old me, hehehe~ We have also already sent in some defenses, Spine Horrors to be exact, to reinforce our foothold in this kingdoms fortress. For this place was only the first to fall of many more in the future.

I have also been notified that we gathered more new essence and biomass from the borders of the nearby kingdoms' local fauna and flora, thanks to my adorable little workers. This has been done in outmost secrecy so that noone shall be notified of our presence in their territories. How did i achieve this you may ask? Simple. Abathur!

Abathur has been researching the Darkness Crystals which we found in the mountain cave and notified me of its unique properties and useful applications. That being in the form of a new magic unit called the Stalker.

The Stalker whose name was given by me personally, is a useful intelligence gathering unit in the form of a crab like creature. It has 4 crab like limbs covered in hardened carapace for additional protection. Its head is similar to the Hydralisks, only much wider for more brain mass and much more reinforced as well as its height. It also posesses 6 menacing looking blue eyes. It is almost completely purple and blue in appearance with only its eyes and mouth emiting such blue glow thanks to its magical influence.

Initially it was glowing green because the substance that it is producing is acid however with the introduction of magic it became blue like it is now

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Initially it was glowing green because the substance that it is producing is acid however with the introduction of magic it became blue like it is now. A new kind of acid which i simply called Magic Acid. It still has all the properties normal acid would have with the addition of being way hotter and deadlier than before. It is so hot that it can even melt Steel now, quite the improvement if i say so myself but that is not the main reason why i was easily able to infiltrate other kingdoms.

The Stalker got the magical abilities of the Darkness Element, meaning it can fuse with shadows and travel in them without making any sound while being completely invisible to the naked eye. It is the combination of magic and its high intellect that enables it to move independendly and make complex decisions without the need of mine or Abathurs interference. It is almost like a commando unit which can infiltrate and eliminate hard to get targets with ease. It can also use telekinesis to move objects in close proximity to do all kinds of different things. But it also costs a lot of biomass and ressources (crystals) to create one, meaning this is the first unit that requires us to gather specific ressources for its creation.

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