Chapter 6 - The Dwarves

501 21 18

Timeskip - 1 Week

Location - Northern Fortress/Crystal Mine (Picture at the Top)

3rd Person POV:

To the southeast of the Deadlands was the nation called Dober, Kingdom of Dober to be exact. Home of the dwarven race, short yet mighty and proud warriors, build with strenght and wisdom as well as unchallenged craftsmanship. There in the North stood a mighty Fortress, at least it would appear to be one if not for the fact that it actually was a giant mine, a crystal mine to be precise.

Giant clouds of smoke escaped the mighty furnaces that could be seen from the outside. A massive bridge built through the harsh waters out of refined stone served as an entry point to the most valuable of dwarven mines. No wonder they partially made it a fortress, as groups of bandits would often sneak through the land in hope to raid the glittering mine, filled with valuable gems and stones.

The minerals called Magic Crystals are one of the most sought ressources in almost every nation. They usually serve as Mana Batteries, Catalysts for Weaponry or even Power Sources depending on the type of Element they possess as well as their Quality.

There are a total of 6 Elements, each with its own strenghts and weaknesses. There are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Darkness. These elements can be recognised in crystals by their corresponding colors, being Red, Blue, Orange, Green, White and Purple.

In Krupia, all species naturaly possess mana in their bodies since their birth or are even created solely by it. Each individual has different affinities for different elements, as well as a certain amount of storage capacity for mana. It is because of this fact alone that not everyone can naturally use magic just because they can store mana in their bodies. It is actually quite rare to see someone capable of using the elements, yet alone 1 Element. In some rare cases, people or monsters are born with the affinity for more than just 1 Element, automatically making them one of the strongest of their kind. In some nations they even get a high status just because of their capabilities to use magic.

Now back to our Fortress.

Even while standing in front of the gate, the noises of smiths forging and contraptions moving can be heard. The ones protecting the mighty fortress, the Dwarven Guard, stood strong and firm on their walls, ready to engage any hostiles when deemed necessary. They are equipped with a Spear and a Shield combined with hours and hours of rigorous combat training. Fitted in plated steel armor and carefully "woven" chain mail. The helmets are something that stood out in the dwarven race because they are made in a way so that even their proud beards can be on full display, much to the comfort and pride of the dwarven warriors.

 The helmets are something that stood out in the dwarven race because they are made in a way so that even their proud beards can be on full display, much to the comfort and pride of the dwarven warriors

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If we now enter the fortress/mine, we are welcomed by a grand hall that connects all kinds of places with one and another. Workshops, Smelting Areas, Homes, a Market, even some Pubs and Inns can be found here.

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