Chapter 2 - Awakening

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Zyra POV:

Slowly waking up, i am once again surrounded by darkness but this time it's different. It feels like i am in some sort of fluid? It feels somewhat weird but comfy at the same time. Wait a minute... feel? I can feel again? It also seems like i have my body back... no. It isn't my human body. i think i have more limbs than before, around 10 i think? Despite that, it feels natural to me. Like i always had them but putting that aside for now, where am i?

I started moving around in my confined space, wiggling and thrashing until i got stuck somewhere with my foot or at least as i call it since it didn't feel like i have a foot. Pulling back my "foot" i discovered a small fade of light emerging from the spot i hit and the liquid im currently in started pouring out.

Wait a minute. I'm in an egg? Well it would make sense since the Zerg usually Morph from small simple larvae into any kind of creatures but i was still surprised nonetheless. That also means i can break free now and finally start my new life.

With a newfound resolve i started hacking away near the original crack in my egg and slowly but surely opened it up. When it finally seemed cracked enough i tried streching my new body and sure enough the egg finally cracked open. Only a slimy muscus of sort remained.

 Only a slimy muscus of sort remained

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(The egg Zyra was in)

"FINALLY! Some fresh air! Wow, is this my new voice? I sound rather dominant i must say. I like it!", i said forming a smug smile with my new face. "Now to the task at hand, looking at myself in my new beautiful form!"

Looking around i found myself in a forest with dead trees all over the place. The full moon in the sky shined dimly between the almost black tree branches onto a small pond of water a few meters away from me. Slowly sitting up in my new form i tried moving forward and to my surprise i was able to move around without any problems. It seems like i already know how my body functions from birth, quite useful. Now standing before the pond i checked out my new body features and sure enough, i wasn't disappointed.

My once human soft skin turned into hardened carapace. I now also had 6 legs with sharp pointy spikes at the end. Inbetween my legs was some sort of purple skin holding their rather fragile frame together. It almost made it seem like i was wearing some sort of dress. The skin continued until it reached my back part which resembled some sort of scorpion stinger but shorter, much thicker and stronger with 3 claws at the end and some razor sharp spikes. These spikes contiuned along my back all the way over my green incubation sack up to my more humanoid upper body frame. My upper body was a tiny bit more human like but only in the raw structure. I had two hands with two sharp claws each and on my upper back sprouted two wing-like stingers with long sharp tips. My once long black hair now looked like dreadlocks but i knew better than to assume it was still hair, it almost seemed like tentacles. I still had my blue eyes but they were emanating a mysterious and deadly glow to them. My head was now completely deformed and outgrown. It looked like some royal crown if i'm being honest or some sort of "face-shield". Even the tip was different, decorated with spikes to give the effect of me wearing a crown. How fitting for a queen i thought.

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