Chapter 7 - Massacre in the Mountains

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Baldur POV:

Crap! This is bad, like really bad! What are these monsters and what are they doing here? Did we enter a nest of some sort? No, this isn't it. Usually wild monsters wouldn't be smart enough to lay an ambush like this! The fact that they were burried here, waiting for someone to approach and get into the middle of their grasp means only one thing. They are either a new kind of coordinated and intelligent monster who hunt in packs or someone or rather something is controlling them.

By the way they're preventing us from moving with their encirclement and not attacking at all, i assume they are waiting for someone or something to come here. They are just growling right now. My guess would be they are waiting for their leader or something like that but then again, what could they possibly want from us? We are just miners, nothing more and nothing less.

My thoughts were interrupted when the monstrosities were starting to move aside to create a path while bowing their heads at whatever was approchaing us.

Grom: "Oi Brother, what do you think they are doing?" (Italic means whispering/talking quietly)

With all that was happening, i almost forgot that my brother was by my side all this time. I shifted my head to look at him and saw his scared face meeting my own nervous expression. I answered him quietly: "I am not sure myself brother but as far as i can guess, they are waiting for something or someone to come here. I don't know what we will see but i don't think this will be pretty."

Grom: "You think we can get out of this one? We still have some Gunpowder left. Might do the trick. A little distraction or something... what'cha think?"

Before i could answer my brother we were met with some loud hissing sounds from the path the monsters created. Slowly approaching us was some kind of giant spider with a human like body on top of its big body. The female looking creature was coming our way and was escorted by 4 of the same monsters that are already here but much bigger and more frightening versions of them. While making her way to us she gave a quick look at the bowing monstrosities and even caressed one of them on their shield like heads which the monster in return growled deeply in happiness, at least that's what i assumed what it meant.

Now standing before our frightened forms was this giant spider queen like monster, menacingly looking down at us while her "bodyguards" were glaring daggers at us if we were to make a wrong move. But the next thing that happend left me startled for life.

???: "Now what do we have here~ 2 little moles tunneling their way through unknown territory... do you even know where you are right now you little pests?"

She just spoke... she just spoke inside my head. It really freaked me out how this distorted voice suddenly appeard in my mind. She sounds angry at the fact that we are here in this cave which i guess belongs to her? I got out of my thoughts when my brother made a step forward and lowered his gaze a bit. I guess he also got the same message i did.

Grom: "E-Excuse mis-?"

???: "Zyra, Queen Zyra to be precise."

Grom: "A-A-Ah right, Queen Zyra. I apologize if we stepped into your territory without p-permission. Me and my brother were searching for new mineral and crystal veins when we stumbled upon your domain without even knowing it. I hope you can forgive our small blunder your hi-highness"

I looked shocked at my brother. He had the courage to step up and speak to this towering monster which is almost double our height in comparison. Even being polite while speaking to her.

The next thing she did was folding her arms and before i knew it a giant spiked talon was infront of my brothers face.

Zyra: "Let's make one thing clear here little mole. You are to speak ONLY if I ask you a question or allow you to, nothing more, understood?"

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