Chapter 9 - The Dwarven Capital

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Baldur POV:

"This is it i am finally home...", i grumbled while staring at the gates of our mighty capital, Natake.

Catching my breath after traveling for 3 days without any breaks i slowly approached the gates of my home city. Damn parasite just kept my body going even if i didn't want to but i was surprised that i wasn't collapsing from exhaustion. Guess the little bastard kept my body intact in order for me to reach the city! Haha, i cannot believe i actually got to see my home once more! Then again, only time will tell for how much longer i will be able to indulge myself in this feeling of happiness since i am at the mercy of those damn bugs.

While making my way to the gate to show the guards my identification papers i realized that i was able to move freely again! By the Earth Spirits! Finally!

???: "One word about me and you will be dead where you stand mole! Remember that."

Shit, this thing can speak just like their leader can, in my damn head! Just wait you nasty little buggers! I will make sure that you all go to he-AAGH! God dammit! I get it, i get it! I'll keep my mouth shut... damn parasite. Didn't have to give me a damn headache for it.

Arriving at the gate i was greeted by 2 guards. They recognized me immeadiately since i am one of the long time veterans of the guild and they also saw that i was out of breath.

Guard1: "Oi! Baldur! You are already back? Where's your brother?"

Guard2: "Let the man catch his breath tinhead!", he said while looking over at me, "You look terrible Baldur. What happend? And why are you already back?", he asked with genuine curiousity.

I looked at them worried and started to explain what horrors happend back at the mine and about the Zerg as they call themselves as well as their queen called Zyra. However, i had to leave out the part where i got myself a parasite during all of this.

The guards nodded their heads and whispered to each other for a minute. After that they turned to me and asked me to stay at the gate to wait for an escort towards the Palace to which i obliged. While waiting the two of them gave me their condolences for losing my brother since he was also a well known figure of the guild. I think they even shared some beers together in a bar in the past.

After talking for a while about the creatures that i encountered an escort arrived consisting of several royal guardsmen from the palace. After double checking my papers to confirm of who i was they started escorting me to the palace while traveling on the surface level of the city.

You see, the capital is built inside of a mountain divided into many different levels for each caste to live in. There are many different castes varying from agriculture to smithing and many more to the last one being the military caste. The most prestigous one in our society. Which is also the reason why our nation is known for it's vast military power. However, we do not use bows or crossbows since it is seen as cowardly and honorless in our society to used ranged weaponry to take someones life. If we wish to engage in battle we must always do so in close combat with honor on our side.

The only exception to this are the mages but we don't have many of them and they can only use the earth element since our race is made to dwell below mother earth and prosper in its richess. You could say it is in our blood to make the mountains our home.

Arriving after minutes of walking at the palace, i'm being quickly escorted to the throne room to meet with our king and after some preparation time the gates to the huge room finally open.

Glancing inside, i notice two rows of Royal Guards evenly split on both sides along the grand red carpet with intricate golden rune designes on them. They are equipped with one handed axes, round shields and full body armor. Even their beards are adorned with beautiful golden accessories. Then again, these are the best war veterans and fighters our kingdom has to offer, so im not too surprised there.

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