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Hello there readers of wattpad stories around the world!

WOLFling here with a quick announcement.

It has been a long year for me and I barely had any time to write anything, hell I didn't even had the time to really read anything on Wattpad myself but now im slowly but surely coming back into it.

First and foremost, i am NOT satisfied with my story so far. It has been my first one and i was able to write out of the blue but as further i go into it the more i realise i have to look up certain parts that i wrote and didn't write yet.

So in short: I feel like i messed up big time from a narrator standpoint if that makes sense and i am not continuing the story at the moment


The day will come when i come back and rewrite it and go even further as soon as i have a great story line laid out infront of me. It appears so messy for me that's why i stopped as well as time issues (real life stuff).

Secondly and that is very important for any starcraft fans out there which i know exist because thats why i write sc stories in the first place since there are not many around. Lately when i tried to sleep in my bed an idea came to my mind. A crossover which some might hate but some might enjoy.

I do not want to spoil anything since i'd like to keep it as a surprise but i will say this:

The Protoss are coming and not just any Protoss...


That's all im going to say for now.

Thank you dear readers so much for all the support even though i have not updated in such a long time. It keeps a smile on my face reading your comments on my story and motivates me to pick up my pen and paper again ^^

And with that i say, merry christmas, have a good new year and we will see each other soon in the new year! :)

WOLFling00 OUT!

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