Chapter 4 - Intruders and transmigration

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Zyra POV:

Here i was in my creep infested cave, patiently waiting next to my eggs and new structures while the enemy is coming closer and closer by the minute. One might now think, Zyra, why are you so laid back about all of this? The answer is simple, while it's been around 15 minutes since i discovered the other part of the wolf pack, i noticed that my eggs are close to hatching. I mean i can literally see outlines of Zerglings in my eggs so i am rather confident in my abilities to fend those intruders off. The structures might take a while longer though. If i had to guess they should be around 1/3 done.

It still amazes me how fast the Zerg are actually capable of growing. Normal structures would take hours to build, not to mention the workforce behind the construction but it is completely different with the Zerg. Hours become mere minutes with the Zerg, especially with the units. Alright i know, it's just zerglings but then again, better than nothing i suppose and i'm more than happy to have them at this point so no complaining on my side.

Some drones also came back in the meantime and gave me more biomass in the form of dead squirrels, small birds and all kinds of small little forest creatures. They sure do work fast i tell you that much but none of the essence gatheres have returned yet. I guess some things do take some time i suppose.

Turning my attention back to my eggs i noticed their shells are cracking. "That was almost too fast, damn are the Zerg overpowered! I am so glad i chose them for my plans!", i exclaimed in surprise. "The time has come to arise my minions! Arise and serve your Queen!", i demanded with authority and power in my voice and i got my answer almost immeadiately.

Zerglings: "RAAAUAAAA!"

Now that my Zerglings hatched i commanded: "My subjects, our home is threatened! Enemies are approaching and you are all that stands between them and your Queen! Two of you shall guard our entrance, 4 of you will guard me and the rest of you are to burrow all around our cave. We will ambush them in their own territory! As soon as they come lure them inside and we will feast on their flesh!"

They all stared at me for a moment before giving another warcry and getting into position, burrowing themselves into the ground at top speeds while two ran to the entrance and 4 remained with me, guarding me at all 4 sides. I also called back my remaining drones from the entrance so they can also burrow themselves until the attack is over. I want some with me in case i aquire new structures so i don't have to wait around until any of the others come back or new ones hatch.

Since i still have some time until the attack commences, i decide to inspect my "lings" a bit closer. A menacing face with razor sharp teeth accompanied by goat like horns on the side of their heads. Clad in spiked carapace all around with 2 smaller front talons as leg replacements and weapons at the same time, stronger back legs almost hoof like for speed and 2 huge talons on their back with 3 spikes each as their main weapon for slaughter. They already got their dragonfly backwings which increase their mobility even further. They are one meter tall in height, so half as big as me or as tall as a big dog i suppose. All in all i am most satisfied with my new units. Not to mention their undying loyalty towards me.

 Not to mention their undying loyalty towards me

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