(Kaede's POV)
I wish we could stay in this moment forever.
But we can't because the only way to move the plot forward is to do that stupid movie cliche thing where the couple gets walked in on.
"Woah- I'm sorry, are you two using this room? I'm kinda hungry." Kaito started walking to the kitchen. Kokichi, being the most sarcastic person I know, felt inclined to respond.
"Us? Using this room?? Nah we would never! I mean, there's candles, flowers and food everywhere, so there's clearly no trace of this room ever being occupied!"
"Great, thanks!" Kaito kept walking. Kokichi let out the most dramatic and justified sigh humanly possible.
"Well, wanna just end the night here?" He said while death-glaring Kaito.
"Yeah... okay. I'll walk you to your dorm."
Dispite our little setback, we were still talking and giggling the whole way. I don't know what it is about him.. he's just so smart and funny, super nice, really hot, and- nevermind I know exactly what it is about him- everytime I'm around him he makes me feel so special, it's such a beautiful feeling and I don't want to lose it.
... will I lose it...?
It's killing game after all, and he's not the most liked person- what if he gets killed? Is.. is getting attached to someone here the biggest mistake I'll make? Surely not, I've already made the biggest mistake of my life, but that won't stop me from feeling so guilty when- no- if he dies. And either way-
"Yo- Kaykay? You good??"
"Hm? Yeah, yeah I'm alright."
"No, you're not. Something's bothering you."
"I'm just tired, it's been a really big day." He doesn't believe me and I know it.
"Fineee, don't tell me. But y'know you can talk to me, right?"
"And since you're 'tired'," he picked me up bridal style, giving me his scarf as a pillow, "I'm carrying you!" He smirked at my intense blushing. This is the feeling I'm talking about. He always makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the room. We go back to laughing and trading life stories.
I'm not going to lose him.
"Where's your dorm key?"
"Oh It's-" I checked my pockets. It's not there. "Uhm, maybe in my bag?" Nope, not there either. "I think I left them in my room-"
"You wanna elaborate on that?"
"Now you get the luxury of staying with me!"
"Ah yes, I would be honoured to take this opportunity to stay with you, Your Majesty." I rolled my eyes at him.
"You know I can leave you out here!"
I chuckled, "I'd love to stay with you."
"That's more like it!" He unlocked his dorm and..
"Woah- why is there so much stuff in your room?" He didn't answer and instead threw me onto the bed.
"I- it's okay, you can the the bed, it's your room."
"Nope, I'm alright!"
"If you say so."
"Nishishi! You're so cool." He threw his scarf on the floor and moved some of his stuff to the side to make a small hole just big enough to sleep on.
"Welp, I'll take the floor, goodnight!"

Two's Company (Oumaede)
FanfictionKaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist, who's always optimistic and cheerful. Kaede Akamatsu, who's supposed to be dead after her gruesome execution. Now she has to replay the killing game, and not kill anyone this time. She can trust the detective, s...