Bullet to the Heart (Elsa Bloodstone)

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"Well… That taken care of…" Spider-Man stated, watching just how the last monster dropped dead on the ground. He had been asked by Elsa Bloodstone to defend the Bloodstone Curios. Well, technically he had been asked by Deadpool, but the man said some incoherent words like 'Thief!' and 'I trusted you!' that he had to call the orange haired hunter to get the entire story out of her.

Spider-Man sat at the outskirts of the manor, overlooking the moon for a tad second before he decided to leave towards New York once more. But what stopped him was that by the peripheral of his sight, he saw Elsa Bloodstone running towards him. He raised a brow at that, his eyes just glancing at the female in front of him.

"Here you are!" He smiled slightly, looking just how worried the female was. First, if you asked him, it would probably be the only time that he would see the fierce woman so worried. "You went missing after the last battle…" Second, although this was technically their first time fighting side by side it was not the first time they had interacted with each other. He still remembers vividly the time where he was running alongside her from those zombies from the alternate dimension The Beyonder picked for the Battleworld. It was definitely something he wanted to forget. "So I'd been looking for you…"

"I'm alright, just thinking…" He smiled slightly at her, his mind going back to his family. He had seen Bloodstone's family helping them out earlier, and his mind just went to his own. He really missed his uncle, wanting to hear him once more. While he didn't miss his own parents, because he didn't even remember them, he dearly missed his Uncle Ben.

"Thinking about your uncle?" Peter sighed, glancing at the orange haired female, who now stood right besides him. He knew that some heroes knew of his family; some of them being Wolverine, the Fantastic Four, and Deadpool. But never in his life did he expect for the female hunter to know about it. "Deadpool told me some time back, sorry"

"Yeah... I miss him…" Peter sighed, his eyes looking up to the night's sky. He would do anything to just have a couple of moments to talk with him, to hear his voice again. Uncle Ben was like a father to him, more so than his own father. And don't get him wrong, he loved his parents but he hardly remembers them.

"No surprise…" Elsa muttered, as if trying her best to not trouble the arachnid. He could notice it, the fidgeting of her hands and just how her sight deviated away from him were clues of that. He, however, was thankful of the female trying to respect his privacy. Something that people seem to forget nowadays. "He must've meant everything to you…"

"He did… still does, in fact" Peter smiled, having a conversation with Elsa Bloodstone of all people was surprising enough. It was very pleasant though, the nice atmosphere plus the back and forth of the conversation made him relax a bit. And while he would have prefered to be back in his apartment, being next to the monster hunter wasn't so bad either.

"I see…" Elsa said, a slight pink hue over her cheeks at being heard. She was not ashamed, but she never expected to be heard. Plus, she had enjoyed her time with the arachnid during their time together. As brief as that may have been, he was not as annoying as others say. At least he was way more tolerable than Deadpool. "I wanted to ask you something, can I?"

"Sure, ask anything" She smiled slightly, shifting her body to be looking at his own. She still remembers the whole ordeal with the zombies back at Battleworld, and just how he had her back through the entire thing. It was something that she had yet to be able to repay, but that still held fondly in her memories. Even as traumatic as the event itself was, both of them connected on a deeper level and were able to understand one another better.

"As you can see, I've been focused on defending my home…" She simply stated, glancing back, even if it was just for a second. She really wanted to uphold the legacy of her family, of the Bloodstones, but it was time to go on her own. "So focused, in fact, that I realized I've been seeing everyone else's struggles as insignificant…" She sighed, her mind turning to her crude side. It was something that she really wanted to change. Always thinking about the next hunt, and never about others. "Even worthless…"

"That... Is very interesting…" She chuckled slightly, a bit of sheepishness escaping from her lips. She could easily notice just how confused the man was as she told her story. It made her wonder just how he would react when she finally decides to tell him everything. It would be a sight to see, of that she was sure. "But, what does that have to do with me?"

"So...what I want to ask you…" She grabbed his hand, looking at the man who had one of his lenses up in confusion. The confusion almost made her chuckle, his reaction already being worthwhile. "Would you allow me to protect you?" It was then that she had to shake her head slowly. That was definitely not the correct word usage, the man was definitely strong enough to protect himself. "No, I really mean...can I stay at your side?"

"Sure... I guess?" She closed her eyes, already deciding whether she should tell him about her feelings. Her feelings were weak, like embers, and at best, a growing flame. But those flames were growing as each second that she was beside him. As the flames slowly grew into a bonfire. "But why?"

"You see… I don't think I could stand to lose someone I care about" Her words could mean anything at this point. She saw just how the man now had both of his mask's lenses shot open in shock. Her words really managed to impact him quite a bit. She even removed her hands from his own and moved them towards his mask, removing it partially.  "Not again"

It was then that she acted, kissing the hero straight on the lips. She even felt just how he tensed up upon the kiss, as if he never expected it. It was a very short one, her lips already leaving his own. And just when she opened her eyes from the aftermath of the kiss, the only thing that she saw was Spider-Man falling backwards.

"Spidey?!" She managed to catch him, though her worries faded away as he saw the expression over his mouth. It was as if he suddenly realized something and was relishing in that realization. She kissed him once more, both of her hands grabbing his cheeks as she let out a soft moan. Parting her lips again, all she could ever do was smile.

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